Sunday, July 16, 2017


Well I think we are experiencing the “picky Picard” phenomenon.  I mentioned how the FG has trained my human to feed him by hand.  NOW he gets her to top his food off with Parmesan cheese.   Seriously.  I'm going to refuse my supper.  As IF that would EVER happen.  He DOES eventually eat his meal – he’s just pokey about it. And of course, his food can't be left out as you know it wouldn't last more than .008 seconds with us PONs around.

And speaking of food, my human has a new strategy for keeping us quiet while she walks the FG in the morning.  Well – not me.  I'm not the barker.  It’s to keep Einstein quiet but I also reap the benefits.  What she has started doing is putting kibble all over the house when she goes to take the FG out.  Really.  So Einstein and I search like mad for the food.  We’re not talking a dozen kibbles.  We’re talking three fistfuls.  Probably almost equivalent to our regular meal size.  And it works.  For a while.  On Friday it was still quiet as she came back with the FG from his walk.   Because we were so busy looking for the food.  But yesterday  – well we are becoming REALLY good at finding the food.  So Einstein’s chorus was ringing out when she came back down the driveway.  But she also shuts the windows – so his song doesn't carry quite so far.  So it’s not a foolproof method – but I certainly don't want her to stop. 

Well it's 5 AM – time to get my human moving.  Rest on the weekend is a foreign concept in this house.  But hey – enjoy those daylight hours – just think how much you humans complain about the long winter nights.  Carpe diem!

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