Saturday, December 30, 2017

A bone to pick...

I think that the FG is reading my blog. And he was embarrassed by his bad behavior.  So yesterday when my human took him on an EXTRA long walk on a trail in the woods, he was VERY well behaved.  No bolting on the leash at all.  Well - leashES.  You see my human attached one leash to the top of his harness and the other to the front of his harness.  Power steering.  And it worked.  They had a perfectly long walk which they both enjoyed!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, instead of allowing Einstein to bark incessantly while they were gone, my human gave the two of us knucklebones.  Real honest to goodness raw knucklebones.  Well - cut in half by the butcher.  So when the FG and my human walked out the door, we didn’t pay the least bit of attention. And when they came back in, we didn’t even look up.  We were in a bone trance.  We were suspended and couldn’t move.  My human had to trade yummy treats to get the bones from us.  And then we stumbled outside - we were bone drunk.  Einstein immediately threw himself on the lawn and began to roll - his drunken stupor made him crazy.  As you can see...

So I think we have found the perfect solution to our chewing craving.  Elk antlers, while we loved them, were too hard.  Marrow bones are good, but for very short periods at a time - or we are plagued with "poop" issues.  Knucklebones SEEM to be perfect.  No dietary issues, and not so hard as to break our teeth...Of course we MAY change our minds- but so far they are the bones of choice.  

Now excuse me while I go and stare at the freezer.  Willing them to come out...

Have a good one. Peace and paws up!

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