Sunday, July 24, 2016

Hi. I'm Frodo.

According to the crazy calendar, today is National Drive Through Day.  We haven't been to a drive through since that ice cream fiasco.  Mind you, every time we do, or even if we go through a toll booth on the highway, Velcro dog barks at the person working there.  It's quite embarrassing. I couldn't care less.  But he's the vocal one in the household.  And heaven FORBID he sees someone walking down our road.  Like yesterday morning.  At 5:30 when we were out for our morning jaunt.  It was quiet.  And a bit foggy.  And peaceful.  With just the sound of the birds.  Until Velcro dog spotted some people coming along on our road.  So much for tranquility in the country.  And while the Tasmanian devil is looking like Cujo from the Stephen King story, my human launches into an incessant monologue about how "he's just trying to say hello- my name is Frodo" and "he's really very friendly."  It's moments like those that yours truly, the "wild child," looks an angel. 

I noticed my human cleaning out a crate in the garage.  Hmmmmm.  I wonder if she's into the "selling mode" again.  Why is it all the dog stuff gets sold?  Like that automatic feeder.  And the ramp?  Time to get in HER closet and sell some of those shoes.


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