Monday, August 22, 2016

Current research.

So my human read this flawed research study on the internet.  At least I think it is flawed.  According to the study, a neuroscientist at Emory University wanted to see what we dogs prefer for a reward - a verbal "Well done" or a treat.  They selected dogs who would lie still in an MRI for 30 minutes.  Dogs were shown a hairbush,  a toy car or  a toy horse.  When they selected one of the objects, they would get a food reward, if they selected another they would receive verbal praise, and with the last object they would receive nothing.  The results of the brain scans showed that the dogs' brains were stimulated by praise as much as, if not more than, the treat.  They did some other studies and came to the same conclusion - the dogs in their experiments were happy with social rewards and praise - and food did not matter as much. 

So here's the flaw in my opinion.  They explained that "high-energy" canines were not included in the study.  Hello?  So all of us working, herding, ratting dogs who are NOT couch potatoes were the dogs being tested?!  That's a LOT of dogs who were excluded!  Not all of us like to lounge around all day reading.  Well.  Maybe Frodo does - but that certainly does NOT include me.  Or Jaws.  Treats make the world go round for us.  Mind you - as we know even the intellectual among us - Frodo - is still driven by food.  Now some of us are also motivated by toys and play - I'm a perfect example of that.  I MIGHT even choose my fetch toys over a treat.  But a verbal "That was brilliant" is all "bla bla bla" to me.

There isn't a pocket in any attire owned by my human that does not have treat crumbs in it.  Not a pocket.  And my human has learned if you want to get Jaws to move somewhere, you had better have treats on your person.  At ALL times.  When he flops down somewhere and doesn't want to move, he is like a sack of potatoes.  And that sack is getting heavier and heavier to move. 

So I think those scientists need to look at this further.  And this time - make SURE you include some PONs and Picards!  I'll volunteer.  If treats are included!

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