Sunday, December 18, 2016

Three Dog Night

HOLY MOLY it was cold here on Friday.  I mean REALLY cold. It was like -15 Celsius which is 5 Farenheit for my American friends.  With the wind chill it was like -100.  Ok maybe not THAT cold - but it was definitely a three dog night.  Ever hear that saying?  And no - I'm not referring to the rock band from the 60's and 70's.  I'm talking about an expression that is believed to have originated in either Australia or far north in North America. It refers to the fact that bushmen - or Aboriginal peoples would invite their dogs inside when it was cold - to keep the humans warm!  If it was cold, I guess it was a one dog night - but if it was REALLY cold, it was a three dog night.  The FG still sleeps in his crate at night - but Frodo and I were quite happy to cuddle with my human on HER bed that night. 

The FG LOVED the first big snowfall - which you saw in my photos.  But I'm here to tell you - he was not NEARLY as impressed when the temperatures dropped so low.  He walked in the snow and then just about fell over - his feet were so cold.  And he wasn't even out for 1.6 minutes!  He knew he had to poop - and his poop trail routine is hard to do when you are trying to walk crouched over with three legs.  He kept picking his paws up and stared at my human for help.  She just said "Buddy I can't do anything for you right now - just poop and get it over with."  Which he did and he raced inside.  I think the boy definitely needs some boots.  Now THAT will be fun to watch.  He looks like Bambi on ice all the time anyway - so add some boots...get that video camera ready!!!

One week to Christmas.  I have to finish my letter....have a great day!!!

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