Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Sad news

What do you say....

In the past few weeks, my human has had two good friends who have had to make that difficult decision to send their dogs to the Rainbow Bridge.  As someone once said,  we dogs provide you with some of the happiest days in your life - and one of the worst.

First there was Jessy - a spitfire of a Sheltie-cross - who was the first dog owned by a dear friend my human.  Jessy was a rescue - who initially required some consistent obedience to be a canine good citizen. But with some training and lots of love, she stole the hearts of her family - who went from being crazy cat people to being crazy dog people.  She beat the odds when diagnosed with cancer and lived longer than anticipated- but that time is never long enough.  They were shattered when they suddenly had to make that selfless decision that loving owners need to make.

And then there was Wiggles - owned by someone my human considers a matriarch in the PON world in the US.  But interestingly, Wiggles wasn’t a PON!  She was a lovable multi-breed dog who lived to see her 13th birthday.  And after weeks of battling illness, her human also had to make that selfless decision....and her heart was shattered too...

So what does one say at times like this?  That you are sorry - because you ARE- and you feel their pain?   But it just doesn’t seem enough...That you wish you could make them feel better - but you really can’t because you don’t have the tools to mend that hole in their broken heart.

Just let them know you are thinking of them- and that they are not crying alone.  Anyone who has had the joy of being owned by a dog knows that pain - and in a strange way, it’s kind of a special club.  Everyone understands.  And everyone also knows the joy of being owned by a dog - and they realize they cannot let this horrible time outweigh those countless joyful moments.  

So our warm thoughts are with those friends today.  You have given a piece of your heart to a special dog - but remember that the hole is replaced by memories that will last through your lifetime.  And nothing will take those away....

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 33

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