Monday, May 20, 2019

Tick crisis

Trouble in spring paradise.  Actually, paradise is a bit of a stretch - as it has still been rather cold out.  The good news about that?  The black flies have not yet been bad.  The bad news?  It HAS been warm enough for ticks. And Houston, we have a problem.

My human’s sister was over Saturday evening. They had finished supper and we canines were checking for the chance of some leftovers.   The FG was just really just checking for some ear rubs and hugs.  My human was petting him and scratched his muzzle.  And she felt something odd.  Aggghhhhhhh!  A TICK!!!! She quickly rushed him into the grooming torture palace (aka garage) and hoisted him onto the grooming table.  She got out her trusty tick extractor, and removed the intruder.  He didn’t appear to be alive, but she proceeded to smash him to smithereens as her sister just watched the routine.   My human felt the FG all over for any other vagabonds, but found none.  Then she examined me and Einstein.  All clear.  As best as she could tell.   I have been wearing the clay tick collar sent to me by one of my loyal blog readers.  Last fall, I did have one tick that I got while wearing the collar, so I’m not sure about its effectiveness.  But that was the only one so I’m still wearing it.  Besides- it’s pretty!

So of course my human began to worry after she found the tick on the FG.  But that wasn’t the worst of it...

We all returned to the bedroom Saturday night. She didn’t sleep again in the DFZ, although she threatened it when I was on the bed and licking certain parts of my anatomy. She said all licking must stop, or it would be “everybody out.” She’s so dramatic.  I stopped licking. Until she fell asleep.

We let her sleep in until 5:15. Then I put two paws on the bed and stared at her - about four inches from her face. She got up after that.  She went into the bathroom to get dressed. She took off her nightgown - and that’s when we heard the blood curdling scream.  She had a tick on her arm. She raced past us, and ran to the garage for the tick removal device.  Which was a bit of overkill, as the tick wasn’t attached to her. She picked him up with the tweezer-like device and dropped him on the grooming table.  She then got a jar, picked him up with a tissue and stuffed the tissue and tick into the jar.  Like some kind of science specimen. I’m not sure what she plans to do with him.  I’m not sure she knows either.

So.  It’s clear we need a tick battle plan. Only problem- she’s afraid of giving any of us chemicals to kill them.  Especially me - with my seizures.  She had bought some natural sprays last year- but both contain Rosemary- which is a known seizure trigger in epileptic dogs. We need to do something though - because yesterday, she found ANOTHER one on the FG!!!! Ewwwwww.

We could wear hazmat suits whenever we go out - but that doesn’t seem too practical.  It looks like there is a spray in the US called Wondercide which is effective and does not contain Rosemary, but she couldn’t find a way to get it shipped here.  She has written to the company - so hopefully she may be able to get some of that.

She also heard about a product made here in Nova Scotia- which reportedly is having good results.  She actually drove to several retailers yesterday to find some. It wasn’t easy to find, but she eventually got some.  It’s called Atlantik.  Clever. She sprayed it on our collars and harnesses when she took us out yesterday afternoon. We’ll see what happens...

If people have suggestions, we are all ears.  We know that last fall, the FDA warned that products of the isoxazoline class can cause neurological problems.  Those products include Bravecto,  Nexgard and Simparica.  So those drugs are definitely OUT.   We have read mixed results on Seresto collars.  Any type of collar we would need to remove when indoors - as all of us like to do hair styling on one another.  So licking heads would likely not be a good idea if wearing a collar.

We have found some homemade natural remedies that can be sprayed on us - or collars, but I’m not sure about the effectiveness. There was a recipe on-line containing lemon juice, vanilla extract and something called catnip oil.   If it doesn’t work for ticks, you at least smell like a lemon loaf. But you are followed continuously by cats.  Maybe that’s how it works - the ticks jump on the cats...

Let us know your opinion - and we’ll let you know what we try. In the meantime, I’m not sure I want to sleep with my human - as she clearly has ticks.  Just kidding.  I think...

Have a good one. Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 6


  1. The new Gow's Home Hardware in Bridgewater has a large display of Atlantik right near their check out if you need more. Please let us know how it works for you.

  2. We are having a rough year with ticks here in NY, near Lake Ontario. So far we have not found any "natural" thing that has worked. Did you hear Wondercide worked on PONs in the Northeast?

    We cannot wait to hear responses!

  3. We have had our girls on oral tick preventatives for forever (most recent, Nexgard, but even that wasn't enough when we moved to a farm. One problem we had was on this scar/bald patch where hair wouldn't grow on one of the dogs. Apparently, that is the Achilles' heel of those medications, so we would find ticks there. With our vet's (rather confused) blessing, we tried Earth Animal Dr. Bob Goldstein's Nature's Protection Daily herbal drops. I checked and it has no rosemary, but it does have a bunch of other herbs and flowers that are supposed to make the blood taste gross to ticks. We add 10 drops to their food (we titrated up from 2 drops to make sure there were no weird reactions) and we haven't seen a tick since. Or a leftover kibble. I buy it at PetFood Express in California, but I was able to find it online too:
