Monday, July 29, 2019


On June 18, 2018 John Pilley passed away, shortly before his 90th birthday.  And on July 23, 2019 his very special friend came to greet him - and answer his call.  His special friend was Chaser - the border collie. 

Chaser was made famous a few years back for her incredible vocabulary- of over 1000 words.  No - I didn’t put in one too many zeros.  She knew over 1000 words, including verbs and adjectives.  I believe I may have talked about her before - but here’s a short video in which she and John are featured:

She and John spent countless hours - really years - learning about one another.  Their bond was unbelievable.  They even had a book - and it is said to be a great tool for dog training. I think we need it.  Here’s another video where John talks about Chaser:

When John passed away last year,  Chaser understood.  The following is a quote written by one of John’s daughters and found on Chaser’s Facebook page:

Many of you have asked if Chaser realized that my father John Pilley passed away. She was with him every day while he was in hospice, she knew he was not well. Just hours before he passed, she uncharacteristically planted herself directly in front of his bed, stared at him and gave one very sharp, loud bark, continuing to stare at him. It startled us all and we looked at each other in astonishment. It wasn't "wake up," it was good bye and it gave us goosebumps.
When John passed away, Chaser lived with John’s family. And for a 15 year old dog, she reportedly did well until the past few weeks.  It had been just over a year since John died, and I think she thought that was long enough.  It was time for her to play “find it” with him once again.

After reading the news about Chaser, I also found this video which is about John. It is long - it is his memorial service-,and it includes lots of stories about him - beyond his time with Chaser.  Now I truly understand why Chaser was such a remarkable dog. It’s because she shared her life with a remarkable human.  If you have the time, and you don’t mind some sections where the audio is poor - and you don’t mind shedding a possible tear or two, I think you’ll find it interesting.  And the last few minutes are perfect.

Run free Chaser.  Now you have to learn all the names of those angels.

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 13

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