Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Celebrate your Talents!

November 24.  Today is Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day.  Hmmm…So WHAT are some of the unique talents of the dogs in this household?  Let’s see…

Frodo has a unique talent for being able to rest his head in THE most uncomfortable spots.  On a chair rail.  On the edge of a table.  He can sleep comfortably anywhere.  He also has the unique talent for being able to read my human’s mind.  So when she attempts to take a photo of him in the weird positions – he can figure it out before she even comes near with the camera.  And he moves.  So I don’t have great photographic evidence of his strange talent – but trust me – the guy is a contortionist.  He is also a very talented escape artist.  Combine his contortionism with his clever ability to figure out how to get IN or OUT of any enclosure and we have a true Pondini in our midst. That's talent!

Paxton?  His unique talent is pulling a cart.  The one he has is not really big enough for him to pull Frodo and I around – I think he needs a wagon.  He is a talented draft dog.  But he does what my human calls “freestyle draft.”  He goes where HE wants with the cart.  And not always where my human wants him to.

And me?  What’s my talent?  Rabbit chasing?  Social greeter with porcupines?  Ability to use X-ray vision to see into the room where the dog food is stored?  Ability to CAREFULLY sneak onto my human’s bed when she is asleep – and not wake her?  Ability to put on THE most adorable expression when I have done something wrong?  No wait.  My talent is blog writing!

Sometimes we neglect our unique talents – and we don’t always share them with others. If your talent is singing, belt out a tune – even if it’s in the shower.  If your talent is drawing, doodle something today – maybe a picture of a PON!  If your talent is dog training – teach Fido a new trick!  All of us have the talent or ability to make someone ELSE feel good.  Tell someone how nice they look.  Thank them for their service.  The important thing - no matter WHAT YOUR talent – make sure you use it today!

©  Linda Wozniak

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