Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Happy Tuesday.  Better than happy Monday.  The hardest day of the week (for humans) is over.  Tuesday is kind of a weird day.  It's not Monday.  And it's not as good as Wednesday - because Wednesdays mark the middle of the week.  And Thursday represents the slide to the finish.  And who doesn't love Friday?  Tuesday is just Tuesday.  Mind you - EVERY day is Friday for us dogs.  

Today is also International Caps Lock day. It's supposed to be a day to poke fun at people who unnecessarily capitalize words, phrases and sentences.  In texts and in email, when people use lots of caps, it usually means they are yelling or shouting.   Kind of like most of the communication my human has with me.  "Viktor, come here. VIKTOR COME HERE.  Viktor, drop that.  VIKTOR DROP THAT.  Viktor, leave the duck alone.  VIKTOR LEAVE THE DUCK ALONE."  You get the point.  Caps are a huge part of my life.

As we all know, I like to think I am larger than life.  And really - I AM (note that is in caps - I like to use caps to EMPHASIZE things).  But this guy decided to show how his dog is larger than life.  I hope this gives you a chuckle:

I hope your Tuesday is FABULOUSAnd you are able to capitalize on another GREAT day!

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