Monday, January 28, 2019


Guess who came to visit yesterday?!  Mighty Milo!!! Our little (in size but not in personality) Coton de Tulear friend from New Brunswick.  And he brought his human, Karen, with him.  Karen is an old friend of my human.

When he arrived, my human let us out to meet him.  Well- me and Einstein.  She was worried that the FG might get a BIT too excited and decide to take off.  She had visions of chasing him as he chased Milo. So we went out first.  We remembered him right away.  He checked out our yard and we made sure to do a thorough urinalysis of any place he stopped to make his mark.  After he explored, he was ready to play.  He would dash around us like a wild thing- racing and doing zoomies. I just stood suspended and watched him.  Einstein barked at him but didn’t really join in the chase.  Poor Milo met the slug brothers.

But then he went inside and got to meet the FG...

The FG was TOTALLY enamoured with this white fluffy ball of energy.  So he went right to Milo’s butt - to “say hello.”  Mighty Milo said “hey - knock it off” and basically told the FG off.  The FG is used to being told off by us PONs - imagine his disappointment that Milo did not want to play with him.  I think if they were given a BIG open space - they would have a blast because Mighy Milo is SUPER fast.  But indoors, he had no interest in playing with the crazy-haired coyote-like creature.  The FG had to be satisfied with lots of pats from Karen, which he repeatedly requested!

We were all beat after their visit. So we napped for the remainder of the day. My human wishes Milo could come by EVERY day.

Well - this is IT.  My human’s last week of work.  She is off today - as she always is.  And then she works Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  And that’s IT.  OK.  She will be doing some work in April - but until then - she is all ours!!! Let the next chapter begin!

Have a good one. Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 4

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