Sunday, January 27, 2019

The model dog

So my human went to work yesterday. And she supposedly cleaned out some file cabinets.  She SAYS she does not intend to bring much home. That I want to see.  You know what happens with you humans.  You pack the stuff in boxes, bring it home, and never look at it again.  I’m telling you - we would make excellent shredders.

When she got home, she decided to take the FG for a walk on the golf course.  Oopsie- although it was just before sundown, there were still some hardy souls out there batting around golf balls while wearing mittens.  True - there was no snow- but it WAS chilly. Anyway, my human and the FG zigzagged around the course.  Taking pictures as they walked.  The FG wasn’t taking them - but you know who was.  The sky and lightning was reportedly perfect, and for some odd reason, the FG was happy posing!  Go figure.

As they approached the parking lot, the FG positioned himself as he always does, on a rock to overlook the area.  A couple was loading their clubs in their car - and he stood and watched them from his high vantage point looking down on the lot.  The couple didn’t appear to notice him- he and my human were at a distance.  The man and woman got in their car, as the FG watched them.  Suddenly the car door opened and the man stepped out.  He shouted to my human “Excuse me - just what is that you have there?”  My human felt like responding “It’s a wolf,” but decided to be polite.  She shouted “It’s a French herding  breed called a Berger Picard or a Picardy Shepherd.”  The man replied “He’s amazing.” All the while  the FG stood completely still, posing like some kind of model.    She almost shouted “he can be rented out by the day and I pay you,” but she decided not to ruin the moment.  The man and woman then waved as they drove away. If they only knew...

Rumor has it we may be having some visitors today.  So we’ll have to be on our best behavior.  Hahahahaha.  Now wouldn’t THAT be amazing if all THREE of us behaved?!  Should be interesting...

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 3

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