Monday, February 4, 2019

Dogs sell

Well the Super Bowl is over.  You know- that big day when guys play a game where they smash into each other causing concussions- and LOADS of people sit around and watch.  And people forget about their no carb no sweets diets and fill up on every junk food imaginable.  Good times.

Besides the entertainment at halftime, lots of people watch the game for the commercials- which happen like every 5 minutes.  And because we know everybody LOVES dogs - there were a number of commercials featuring canines.  Dogs sell. So here are some of those ads - leading up to my personal favorite:

A serious one.  For serious dog products.  We need these:

Then we have one where the dog is just a tiny part of the ad.  Not my favorite.

We have this one that pokes fun of dog shows - and people who resemble their dogs:

We dogs shouldn’t really EAT avocados.  We could get an obstruction if we eat the seed.  That ad was OK, but not my favorite.

Budweiser always seems to feature dogs.  And of course their horses.  I actually like this one - gotta love the song too.

But MY personal favorite is this one.  The dog steals the ad.  Make sure you watch the whole thing.  Somehow I can see my human in this ad...

It’s Monday.  My human didn’t work on Mondays so the fact that she is home with us today seems like any other Monday.  Friday was a university holiday- so that  felt typical too.  But tomorrow when she stays home - that’s when we really start to see what this retirement is all about!  It’s a concept that won’t be hard to sell to us!

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up!
Seizure free days: 2

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