Sunday, March 31, 2019

Drama king

My human doesn’t play favorites in our house.  One dog gets a biscuit, we ALL get a biscuit. But when one of us is feeling poorly, she does give that dog a bit more attention...which in the case of Einstein can be a bit much....

You need to keep in mind that when Einstein is brushed, he is QUITE dramatic.  He squeaks and squirms and acts like you are torturing him.  However, the INSTANT the brushing stops, he is FINE.  So imagine the drama king after he has had surgery.  How do you spell pitiful?

When he first came home from the vet, my human outfitted him in his rainwear.  So no one could lick at his incision.  He was not impressed with the fact that he had to wear this attire.  And the FG kept staring at him like he was some strange new dog.  He would approach him and jump back.   In addition, Einstein was in no mood for anyone evaluating his new fashion statement- and he warned the FG that he was in no mood.

Because my human is a bit neurotic (who am I kidding - she’s a LOT neurotic when it comes to us), she then started worrying that Einstein would get too warm. I suggested leaving him outside all night, but that didn’t go over well. She somehow managed to get him out of his rainwear - which had been no easy task to get ON because he was rather floppy.  Getting it off was not much easier.  She found an old tee shirt and put it on him.  She cut part of it so she could tie it on.  I thought he looked smashing.   He was again not impressed.

He slept well the first night - we all did after the “exciting” day.  Yesterday morning she took us out and everyone did their thing - except yours truly.  I wanted more attention.  Instead I got a smaller breakfast.  That plan backfired.

Einstein decided to milk this surgery thing and stared at my human while she was in the DFZ reading the paper.  So get this - she let him in!! This was just going too far.

He has to keep those stitches in for 2 weeks.  TWO WEEKS.  Oh and then he’ll be all dramatic about having them removed!  I think I need to do some rabbit chasing - just to work off some steam....

Have a good one. Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 8

Saturday, March 30, 2019

The nurse can go off duty


Well Einstein had his lumpectomy yesterday.  The worst part of the day was breakfast.  As you may recall, he could not have breakfast.    My human had to figure out how to feed me and the FG, without Einstein watching.  So she had a plan...

She walked the FG first.  Which is the normal routine.   But she left no treats for me and Einstein - which was a bit odd.  Then she took me - by myself for a walk.  Finally she took Einstein out.  She walked out the door and told him to wait.  She ran back in and gave me and the FG our breakfasts.  Like she thought Einstein wouldn't know.  She thought she was extremely clever - I was in my usual spot in the kitchen and the FG was in his usual spot in the front hall.  She then took Einstein for a short walk.  She told him to wait when they came back so she could go in and pick up the FG's dish before Einstein could get it.  Because he often leaves SOMETHING in his bowl.  A brilliant plan.  Or so she thought. 

She walks in the door before Einstein, and grabs the dish. Only one BIG mistake.  She leaves the front door partly open.  She turns around to see the FG going out.  And of course, he KNOWS he is FREEEEEEE.  She steps to the door and does the cutesy futile "come here Baby," voice.  He turns on a dime and is off.  She puts Einstein in the house, grabs her cars keys and hits and garage door opener.  In the meantime she is already calling Pig Pen's human on the phone to warn her that the escapee is probably headed her way.  She is not even through leaving a message, when she spots the wily coyote running up the neighbor's driveway toward her car which is now on the road.  She slams the brakes and jumps out before he is on the road.  Now.  How to catch him without him taking off again.  Luckily he came to her when she opened the hatch on the car.  And in he went.  With my human huffing and puffing.  Disaster quickly averted.

We hung out in the afternoon waiting for news on Einstein. When my human first went in to the vet, she wondered if the lump was smaller.  I think she was just nervous about the whole surgery thing - and wanted to be sure it was necessary.  The vet said it was the same size - and although she wasn't concerned about it - it probably would not go away on its own - and would just make my human wonder.  So my human handed off Einstein to very good hands. 

She decided to do some retail therapy to keep her mind off Einstein.  She went to the grocery store and wasn't gone an hour when her phone rang.  Uh-oh she thought.  Einstein's surgery was DONE.  They didn't have to do a general anesthetic - so he was good to go.

She rushed over to pick him up.  The vet said it WAS just a cyst.  So that was fantastic news.  My human was SO relieved - thank you for all your positive thoughts, good wishes and prayers!   They WORKED!!!!

The vet did add that she thought she heard a bit of a heart murmur, which has never been detected before.  She told my human that we would just keep an eye on it- checking him every couple of months to be sure it does not get worse.  At this point, she said there was no reason for serious concern.

Although he didn't have a general anesthetic, he was given something to make him a bit drowsy.  When he came in the house he looked a little disheveled - and he was NOT in the mood for us sniffing his butt.  Or anything else.  My human put his Gortex coat on - so neither he nor we could poke at his incision.   His stitches come out in two weeks. 

Pig Pen is recovering from his surgery too.   The vet felt that she was able to get clear margins and there were no signs of Mast Cells in his lymph nodes.   So another great bit of news.

Hopefully the infirmary can be closed down now for a while.  The nurse needs a bit of a break.  She'll get that at work.

Thanks again for all your support!!

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up.

Seizure free days: 7

Friday, March 29, 2019


Time for some dog news.  Did you hear the story about the Staffordshire Terrier who was traveling home to Amsterdam after participating in some dog shows in the US - and she “escaped” her crate at the airport?  Yup - apparently she got out of her crate and was running loose at the Atlanta airport - one of the busiest airports in the world.  The airport is on 4600 acres - so Gale had lots of room to run.  Some news reports say she was missing three days and some say four.  Anything longer than three seconds would be enough to make most human owners crazy.  But the good news - she was found, safe and sound.  My big did she get out of her crate in the first place.  This was obviously not her first time traveling.... Just wondering...

If you are like my human, and you want to learn more about your dog’s health, you may be interested in the VetVine webinars.  I may have mentioned this is the past - but no harm in repeating it.  Go to this website- and register- it is FREE.  

The topics are broad - everything from cancer to fleas and ticks, orthopedic issues , behavior and allergies.  You can listen to previous sessions or listen live as they occur.  We have signed up for the session April 10 on CBD oil. 

These sessions are not to replace visits to your vet - but they give you better knowledge about your dog’s health issues.  And it allows you to be more informed when you have conversations with your vet.

Today Einstein goes in for his lump removal.  Meanwhile- our old buddy Pig Pen had to undergo surgery yesterday for removal of a Mast Cell Tumor on his ear!!!   He has joined the infirmary.  

We had a great walk with him yesterday morning- before his humans got the news that he needed surgery.   Well - some of us had a great walk... Humpty Picard had to be put on leash during HIS walk because he was finding Pig Pen a tad too attractive.  We PONs didn’t care - mind you I was still on a leash.  Lumpy-Limpy was loose as he appears to have recovered from his limp. And he didn’t attempt to hump Pig Pen.  I think the Spring air has really affected the Picard.  He doesn’t attempt that behavior with us - because, well... we’re not as compliant as Pig Pen...

So here’s hoping Einstein does well - and that Pig Pen’s surgery was successful - and he is going to be OK.

We should be offering our own webinar...

Have a good one. Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 6

Thursday, March 28, 2019

One step forward...

One step forward.  One step wrong.

Yesterday, a loyal blog reader aptly named us Limpy, Lumpy and Torn.  I, of course am Limpy, Einstein is Lumpy and the FG is Torn - for his dew claw injury on the play battlefield the day before yesterday.

My human doesn’t have kids, but she has often heard friends talk about the paranoia and obsession humans have with their first child.  They rush them in to the doctor with the littlest sniffle or papercut.  By the time child three comes along,  the kid has to be either comatose or the limb is falling off before the parents get worried.  And the same is true with dogs.

Once upon a time, my human would have freaked out at the blood on the FG’s leg.  She would have gone right home, put him in Ludwig, and driven right to the closest animal emergency clinic.  But given that he is her 9th dog, she no longer freaks out.  Sure - if we are SERIOUSLY in need of care, she would take us in.  But it didn’t appear that he was about to lose his leg, so she cleaned him up, bandaged the leg, and that was that.

So that injury appears to be fine.  Still - she didn’t want to see him tear it again while it is healing, so when Pig Pen’s human texted yesterday morning to again go for a walk, we PONs got to go.

I started off not too badly - not too limpy - so she made the mistake of letting me loose.  The limping reappeared- so no more off leash - not matter how much I beg - for at least a week.  Meanwhile, Lumpy was having a grand time.  He would find the last patches of snow, as he did last week, and throw himself down.  Pig Pen doesn’t quite know what to make of him when he does this. 

We had a great walk, but as we were heading for home, my human noticed Lumpy was now limping.  Front leg.  Just like me.  So we have Limpy, Lumpy-Limpy and Cranky - because the FG was annoyed he only got to go for a walk with my human- and no off leash running with Pig Pen.

We survived the winter ice- only to injure ourselves at the first signs of Spring.  It’s probably a good thing my human has to work next week- it will give us a chance to recuperate!

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up!
Seizure free days: 5

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The dog infirmary

Welcome to the dog infirmary. 

First it was my seizure the other day.  Got through that.  

Unfortunately though, as we know, I can be a bit uncoordinated with the effects of my meds.  But, that doesn’t slow me down one bit.  My human watches and winces as I roll and throw myself around.  It was inevitable that I would do something to myself.  So sure enough- for the last two days I have been limping on my front leg.  It comes and goes - so I have been on restricted leash walking.

Then we have Lumpy.  Who goes under the knife on Friday.

And lastly we have the healthy Picard.  Who was fine.  Until yesterday...

Pig Pen’s human texted in the morning to see if anyone wanted to go for a walk/run.  My human didn’t want to take me - because of my limping and she knew if she took Einstein, I would scream bloody murder.  So she decided to take the wily coyote.  Who hasn’t seen Pig Pen or been off leash in weeks.

The FG saw Pig Pen and his brain exploded.  Completely.  It was all my human could do to hold  onto him.  They got to the golf course and she let him GO. He jumped. He raced.  He tugged on toys with Pig Pen.  He humped Pig Pen (a new, less-than-desirable behavior given that Pig Pen just stands there) until my human broke them up.  They were racing around on the frozen ground like two year olds in a playground after eating birthday cake.  And candy.  

And all was right with the world until my human looked at the FG’s leg and saw blood.  Oh.  And his other foot was bleeding too.  Seems he caught his dew claw on something and a toenail also was bleeding.  Great. Pig Pen’s human had a tissue which was quickly  spotted in blood.  She wondered if he should be carried home.  She even offered to carry his back end while my human would carry his front end, but my human knew that this idea would likely end up in a human injury.  So my human slowly walked the FG home- while he was still raring to pull and play with Pig Pen.

Because we always have an ample supply of vet wrap, she was able to bandage the FG’s leg.  The bleeding had slowed down - he thankfully didn’t completely tear off the dew claw.   Meanwhile, I went for my OWN walk with Pig Pen.  The FG’s toenail was fine, so after being sure that he wasn’t going to bleed to death, my human raced out with Einstein to meet up with me and  Pig Pen.  I had been the PERFECT walker.  I didn’t even care when my human and Einstein arrived.  Pig Pen’s human had liver treats.

So right now, our house is being dubbed the infirmary. One waiting for surgery.  One limping.  And one bandaged.  Oh and for some reason, the human is on head ache medication.  

Never a dull moment.

Have a good one. Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 4

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The vet

Einstein went to the vet yesterday.  It just so happened that they had an opening, so my human grabbed it. 

My human fluffed and puffed him before he went.  Mind you, he had been groomed the day before - but she always likes us to look our best when we go out.  Anywhere.  So she made him all coiffed and even put a barrette in his hair so you could see his eyes.  She thought he looked great but as they go to walk into the vet a couple is walking out - and the woman takes one look at Einstein and says “somebody must be going to be groomed.” ( There is a groomer at our vet’s office.).  My human just sighed and said “no, I’m afraid this is as good as it gets,” and she walked in the door.

She had Einstein sitting on the bench with her.  She doesn’t want us sniffing and licking the floor - who KNOWS who was there before us.  How do you spell paranoid?  I’m surprised we don’t wear hazmat suits.

Einstein was fine sitting on the bench and playing “watch me” games with my human.  He was being plied with treats for good behavior. People were in the waiting room and he was fine.  And then a zombie arrived - walking in with her female Golden.  Now I am SURE the Golden was friendly and if Einstein met her outdoors, he would be fine with her.  But the zombie woman marched in and let Goldie go wherever she wanted.   Einstein let out a low “I’m on this bench with my human and I currently own this waiting room growl,” and my human had to tell the zombie to move back from Cujo.  Then they asked zombie to weigh Goldie.  Well Goldie did NOT want to step on that scale.  Zombie cajoled and begged.  But Goldie was having nothing of it. My human was ready to go over and pick up the dog and put her one the scale.   I don’t think they ever DID get her weight.

Einstein was very good for the vet.  She poked and prodded his lump and took a sample to look at under the microscope.   My human felt like the vet was gone for an hour - but it was probably closer to 5 minutes.  The result?  She doesn’t know.  She said she is 92% certain it is nothing - like a little cyst. But given the 8% possibility it COULD be something else, she figured it best that it be removed.  So he is going under the knife on Friday.

In the meantime,  the FG and I were on guard duty.  The only problem is that without our ring leader, we are not very loud guards.  We were very happy to see Einstein and my human when they got home.  I forgot to mention he went to the PET STORE on the way home and got MORE treats.  

My human doesn’t want to rush the week - but she does want this thing removed.  But there is another hurdle first.  The regular drill is no food or water after midnight on the day of the surgery. But he isn’t scheduled for surgery until 1 PM.  Friday morning is going to be a nightmare. Imagine Einstein not being fed while the FG and I are gobbling down breakfast.  Well - I’m gobbling - the FG is staring at his.  Fun and games...

So keep Einstein in your thoughts - and send healing wishes (and maybe even a prayer) that this IS just a cyst.  We are thinking positively...

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days : 3

Monday, March 25, 2019

A Finnish Dog. And a lump...

Yesterday, the FG had another handling class.  I guess he still doesn’t know how to handle my human.

He wasn’t the biggest dog in the class - a lovely female Leonberger was there.  But after her came the FG and the next biggest dog was an Aussie puppy.  So he still stands out.

Yesterday there was a brand new puppy there - a Finnish Lapphund named Coco.  And was she ever cute.  And SO well behaved.  She is not even 4 months old and she strutted around the ring like she knew the drill.  She put her little feet in the right place, and waited patiently for her treats. The FG just stared at her in amazement.  And so did my human.

She’s probably the only Finnish Lapphund in these parts.  They are a sturdy, mid-sized Spitz-type breed.  And they were bred for hunting and for herding reindeer!  They apparently come in different colors.  Coco is a tri-color.  Like a Bernese Mountain dog - black, brown and white.  

Here’s a short video with some facts about Lappies:

It was so nice to meet her- until my human realized the little spitfire will be in the herding group.  More competition for the coyote.  Great.

We all had a good grooming yesterday.  Well - good in my human’s eyes - we would have been happy to skip the whole thing.   And everything was going great - until my human found a lump on Einstein.   I have a couple of cyst-like lumps that the vet has seen, but was not concerned about them.  But this one on Einstein looks a bit different.   So you KNOW my human spent all kinds of time surfing the net and reading about dog lumps.  She has herself suitably concerned.  If she looked at that lump once, she must have looked at it 50 times.  It is on his back.  She’ll be making a vet appointment for this week.  One of the vets we go to is apparently on a vacation that we paid for.  Just joking. Sort of.

No work for my human this week-  but rumor has it she is going back next week for a week.  So it means double time for walks THIS week. And the weather forecast is looking good - perfect mud conditions!  We can’t wait.

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 2

Sunday, March 24, 2019


March 24.  And today is the birthday of Joseph Barbera.  Don’t recognize the name?  Joseph Barbera, and his colleague William Hanna are called, by some, the architects of Saturday morning TV cartoon shows. They were famous animators who for over 30 years, produced some of the most well known characters and series on television.  And of course, many of their characters were dogs!!!

So let’s do a little cartoon quiz - and see if you can remember some of their famous canine characters.

Here are the dogs:
A.  Scooby doo
B.  Astro
C.  Huckleberry Hound
D.  Chopper
E.   Augie Doggie
F.    Muttley

Now match them to their description:
1.  This multi-breed Dog was the partner of Dick Dastardly.  He had a characteristic snicker and wheezy laugh.

2.  The dog on the Jetsons!  One of his humans was named Elroy.

3.  A bulldog who protects Yakky Doodle from Fibber Fox.

4.  This Great Dane character had his own series.

5.  A sweet little hound-like dog who referred to his father as “dear old Dad..”

6.  This easy going blue dog speaks with a Southern accent.

Let’s see how you did - here are the answers: 

1.  F
2.  B
3.  D
4.  A
5.  E
6.  C

There were actually lots of other Hanna-Barbera dogs- we were quite surprised to see them all.  

Here’s a cute little video of another Hanna -Barbera Dog.  I can totally relate to his reaction about treats!

I think my human could write a cartoon strip about us.  Mind you, no one would believe our antics.  Some might THINK that we use artistic license in telling our bad dog tales.  Sorry.  They are all true. 

Well -I made it through the dreaded 24 hour period post-seizure without another one.  My human was very happy about that.  So in the words of another Hanna-Barbera character- YABBA DABBA DOO!!!

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 1

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Ups and downs. Literally.

March 23.  And on this day in 1857, a guy by the name of Elisha Otis installed his first passenger elevator in New York City.  The concept of the elevator was around long before that with references dating back to 236BC. Just so you know- in case there is a question on Jeopardy.

Now dogs do need to be careful on elevators if they are on a leash.  There was a horrible case where a dog’s leash was caught in the door, almost strangling poor Fido.  I’ll skip the video - but suffice to say, you DO need to be careful.

I found some very interesting videos about DOG elevators.  They are designed for canines with mobility issues.   Here is what appears to be a homemade version:

And if you want to build one yourself- here is a site that discusses construction:

Alternatively, you may want to consider this stair lift.  

I can understand elevators for old dogs, or dogs with injuries or orthopedic problems.  But it drives me crazy that one company that is marketing them says that elevators are good for obese dogs.  Really?!   How about taking Fido for a walk- or feeding him the right food?!  Get him an elevator instead?!  Some humans are downright not right.  Clearly their elevator does not go to the top!

By now you have probably scrolled to the bottom of my blog post. I guess I wasn’t happy about my human going to work yesterday.  She got home mid afternoon and saw that someone had peed in the house.  She had a sinking feeling. So she went to look at the video recording on Big Brother.  Yup.  I had had a seizure.  Back to square one. To say we are disappointed is an understatement.  Now we just hope I don’t have any more in the next 24 hours. 

In the meantime, we stay happy that I had 40 good days.  And we hope this was just a glitch...and we ride up from here. Sorry. I couldn’t resist.

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 0

Friday, March 22, 2019


Well we are VERY unhappy campers in this house.  Come to think of it, we haven’t actually ever been camping.  I mean can you IMAGINE the three of us and my human in a tent?  Just the thought.  We need our own reality TV show - and that would make an excellent episode.

But I digress.  We are bummed out because my human is going to WORK this morning.  She is “filling in” for someone who is away.  So that means we won’t get our 34 walks today.  Or all the extra treats that are doled out throughout the day.  

My human is very much enjoying retirement- but she was looking forward to a relaxing morning at the office.  She continues to argue that we are more work than work some days.  OK. Almost every day. Alright-  EVERY DAY.  

She has decided that we need to change our daily agenda.  Currently, she takes the FG for his walk first in the morning.  But it is problematic for two reasons.  First off, Einstein barks pretty much non-stop while they are gone.  His rant goes something like this: “Hurry up.  I’m hungry.  We finished the treats you left.  Did you hear me?  We finished the treats.  I want my breakfast.  I need to pee too you know. I’m hungry.  Viktor ate the last treat.  I am going to countersuurf.  Really I am.  Here I go.... Hurry up.  I’m hungry.  How far are you walking him? I hope nothing has happened to you.  Because when will I get my breakfast if anything happened.  I’m hungry.  Surely you didn’t let him off leash did you?  Are you walking with Pig Pen?  I’m hungry.  We finished the treats.  Did you hear me? We’re all done.  You can come back now.  Hurry up.”  

And so it goes.  Every day.  That is the first problem.  Then we have the FG.  He goes for a nice walk.  Probably around 45 minutes.  While the PON rant is going on.  He comes back and sees us going for our walk.  And of course he wants to go again.  My human explains that it is our turn to go.  Well.  It is like you just took away his best toy.  He sulks.  Really. He sulks.  My human has never had a dog who was such a sulker.  If there is such a word.  She puts treats on the floor and 9 days out of 10, he refuses to touch them.  And the worst part- he is STILL sulking when we come back.  

Of course, when we come back we are RARING to get in the door because we KNOW those treats that the FG didn’t eat are on the floor. We have to sit and wait while my human opens the door.  When she says “free” we explode in the door like we haven’t eaten in an hour.  We are PONs.  It is who we are.

Meanwhile the FG is pouting.  He is so temperamental.  He keeps the pout on for at least a half hour after we return. 

To stop the rant and the extended pout face, my human is thinking about switching things so we PONs go first on the walk.  I have NO idea if this will change anything- but we’ll let her think she is making a brilliant decision.  

Rumor has it that she will actually be working FULL TIME for a few weeks in April and May.  After that, she is done done with work.  The ONLY reason we are allowing her this current stint is because she promised extra special treats.  Seriously.  She did.

Well, back to sleep - er....I mean guard duty.  She’ll be home before we know it - and then we can take her for her walks.

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days:  40!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Workout. And freak out.

Since the clocks changed, there have been two big changes in our household. First off, we let my human sleep in a little bit later.  That combined with this retirement thing, means that we actually go for our morning walks after it gets light outside.  No need for the headlamp.

Second change - because it stays lighter longer,  we can go for later walks in the evening. Usually the FG gets to go for a longer walk - his energy level is boundless - so he needs it.  You can just leave us PONs with some treats, and we are good.

The last few nights, with the snow largely gone - my human has been taking the FG up to the golf course in the evening. He is kept on leash because the thought of a sunset rodeo is less than appealing.  It’s pretty quiet at that time of the  evening.   Not a soul around.  And it would be completely relaxing and mind-clearing.  Except for the fact that the FG is continually trying to freak out my human. 

The walk begins fine.   With him trotting along, scouring the grass for animal poop.  And smelling all kinds of things.  Then at about the half way point, he decides that the walk would be much more enjoyable if he were FREE.  It’s a little difficult to accurately describe the “look” that appears on his face - .07 seconds before he suddenly tucks his tail between his legs and bolts to the end of his leash - only to turn and bolt the other direction. He uses this element of surprise in the hope that my human will drop his leash.  My human braces herself for the impact as the leash goes tight.  This ricochet behavior helps to build human biceps and quads at the same time. Some people go to a gym to work out.  My human walks the FG.

If the ping-pong maneuver doesn’t work, the next attempt is to chew his way to freedom.  He grabs the leash and starts grinding down in an attempt to escape his bondage.  Needless to say, my human has to stop this behavior .  Usually by begging.

Lastly, there is the scare tactic.  And lately, he had been REALLY, REALLY good at this one.  He will be walking and he suddenly bolts to the end of his leash like he has seen something.  Then he stands completely still.  And stares.   He usually waits to use this behavior until just after sunset.  And it is best to stare into the woods.  

We know that dogs have much better hearing than humans.  We hear a greater range of frequencies and we can hear sounds four times further away than humans. My human listens - as IF she could hear what he hears.  Seriously- she knows we hear better - not to mention the fact that her hearing has probably been affected by Einstein’s incessant barking.  Long term exposure to noise will do that.

But she still listens and watches.  And sometimes he will look in the distance and move his head like he SEES something too.  Now that is REALLY freaky.  My human doesn’t actually scare easily but the stop and scare thing as it is getting dark out always seems to make her walk just a little bit more quickly.  Yup.  It’s a full body workout.

I started thinking that we could rent out the FG for people who want a workout.  We’ll make the price just under that of a daily gym visit.  Mind you, they also need to pay for the insurance....

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 39

Wednesday, March 20, 2019


March 20 - it’s so nice to see you.  It’s the first day of Spring!   And we are very glad indeed.  

My human was laughing at how differently we PONs and the Picard react to the changes in the weather in the Spring.  Take a PON for a walk and he will find the last patches of snow that are left to roll on.  Take a Picard for a walk and he hits the ground to roll when he sees a patch of grass.  The FG nearly took out my human the other night when he plunged to the grass - right in front of her as she was walking him.  My human almost joined him in the roll. 

While searching for grassy areas to roll, the FG also searches for other things.... in the grass.  We know he is a picky eater.   However, my human has found that if there is deer or rabbit poop in the vicinity,  he now has a new craving.  Just like us PONs.  He has learned our recycling habits.  My human can hardly wait for the geese to arrive any day now. 

And speaking of recycling, today is also International Earth Day - a day to appreciate and promote better care for our planet.  My human was looking for dog friendly environmental tips - and she found a few.   Like cleaning up your local dog park.  Only problem, she still isn’t keen on them - so we wouldn’t get to go along.  Maybe we could help clean up our road. We DO pick up our poop - but unfortunately, humans do throw out trash.  So we could help with that.  We could find all the edibles. And Einstein could bark out directions.

Another suggestion is to recycle unused dog things - like extra water bowls or toys.  They could be donated to a shelter.  Someone also suggested not buying new things - like extra attire.  Now that one I agree with 100% - we could definitely stop the Dollar Store shopping. 

Another suggestion is to shop locally for dog products.  My human is all about that - like our Honey Beefers - which are locally made. My human calls them doggie crack.  Everybody loves them.  They are on par with deer and rabbit poop.  Really.  They are.  And much more appealing for humans to handle.

Those are just a few tips for being environmentally friendly with canines.  We still of course have the plastic poop bag problem.  And my human moaned the other morning that we are definitely not helping the situation.  Three dogs and we had a six bag walk.  Three were used by Einstein.  He and the FG are multi-poopers.  The FG leaves a trail while Einstein goes, walks 5 more minutes and goes again.  Five more minutes and again we have results.  And it’s not a consistency problem.  Sometimes I think he just does it sporadically so he can get more treats. Yes, you CAN reopen bags to add to the contents, but it isn’t always recommended when you are juggling two leashes, another full poop bag and you are wearing mittens.  Thankfully the mittens will soon be packed away. 

Yes - we are READY for spring- let the good times roll.  Literally.

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 38

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Let’s Laugh!!!!

March 19. And according to the Crazy Calendar, it’s something called Let’s Laugh Day. There are health benefits to laughter - it decreases stress, and and helps to release endorphins- which make you feel well.  We canines can certainly help with in providing laughable antics.  When we aren’t making my human’s blood pressure go UP.  

So I searched for some recent canine videos which will hopefully give you a chuckle. Some have been circulating on Facebook, and others have been seen in the news.

Let’s start with the baby and the German Shepherd.  Now I must confess that my human sometimes winces when she sees baby and dog videos, because there are signs that the dog is NOT having a good time.  But by all accounts, these two are having a blast together:

Next we have the news hungry Golden.  It may be staged, but we can attest that it COULD be real:

Then we have the puppy with happy feet.  I think this beats Einstein’s pre-meal barking:

Then we have this Fido who likes to groove to the music while being groomed.  Maybe my human needs to play music while grooming us...instead of listening to audiobooks.  On dog training.

Next is this guy who can even out talk Einstein.  He definitely is in the “awkward moments” category:

And last but not least, my hero Kratu. This rescue provides his own type of agility.  I don’t know what my favorite part is - when he hides in the tunnel- or listening to the commentstor’s remarks.

I hope you’ve had a few giggles - and your day contains other laughable, healthy moments!

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 37

Monday, March 18, 2019

Awkward moments.

According to the crazy calendar, March 18 is Awkward Moments Day.  A day to laugh at those strange things that happen (in day to day life) and let them go.  For example, walking us two PONs down the road and encountering other walkers (most likely neighbors) is ALWAYS an awkward moment.  Like last week...

It was a nice day so my human decided that we should go for a walk.  Or should I say WE decided that we should go for a walk.  Another walk.  We are still ensuring that my human gets lots of exercise.

The FG did his first and then it was time for me and Einstein.  We marched up our long driveway, and my human hesitated a bit as we neared the road , because she heard voices.  And so did Einstein.  Before I continue I should let you know that Einstein is the self-appointed guardian of the road.  Oh.  And he owns it.  The WHOLE road.  Not just our property.  EVERY property on the road.  And in his role as self-appointed guardian, he must announce his presence whenever he sees ANYONE.  Well anyone except Pig Pen and his humans.  He’s used to them.  And they carry treats.  So announcements are not necessary.  Begging is.

Anyway, Einstein heard the voices and assumed his “puffed up” trot.  He literally tries to make himself look bigger.  I just keep on walking silently.  

Up the road is a very nice family - which includes Mom and Dad, two year-old twin boys and their 5 year old big sister.  Dad and the two boys were out at the end of their driveway surveying the snow situation.  The boys had their own little shovel. Of course as SOON as Einstein spotted them, the barking began.  The typical “awkward” moment where my human laughs and says “oh he’s just saying hello” yet a slew of other words - directed at Einstein,  are pouring through her brain like Niagara Falls.  You can also see the stunned, cautious faces of the two sweet boys and Dad as the incessant canine rant continues. 

My human tries to carry on an awkward conversation from across the road - shouting over Einstein’s rant.  My human knows that if we would just go up to the kids and Dad, that the rant would stop.  But she can also see the understandable concern in their eyes.  So she moves up two feet at a time and stops, attempting to carry on a conversation- but not really sure what she is saying because she’s monitoring the approach.  And Einstein is being quiet. On and off.  As we juuuuuust about make it across the street, the boys’ sister comes down the driveway, setting the rant machine back on high volume and steady speed.  By now we have made our way across the street. Luckily big sister is totally interested in the two shaggy beasts and not the least bit worried.  My human gives her a kibble and tells her to open her hand wide, to give it to the rant machine.  Einstein immediately stops barking and gently takes the treat.  He decides that these three kids are fine, but he’s actually a tad bit shy of Dad, but thankfully doesn’t begin his barking.  Meanwhile I was quietly walking around and observing, being neither sociable nor worried.  I was just basically hanging out. FINALLY my human could carry on a conversation.

No sooner does everything settle down than Einstein spots another neighbor and a friend out for a walk- approaching our direction.  She warns the family that the rant machine is about to again begin and as if on cue, Einstein starts up again.  This neighbor is used to Einstein so they just march right up to Cujo and say “hey buddy, how’s it going?”  His puffiness deflated and he just started wagging his tail.  I went over and followed his lead.

My human thinks she is just going to buy everybody on the road a box of biscuits.  Maybe it will curb the guardian rant.  Then again, he may be more likely to take off and go to visit all the neighbors if he thinks they have food.  He’s no fool.

So awkward moments abound around here- if it’s not the guardian alert system, it the crazy Picard who, if allowed would use humans as a springboard.  I provide the least awkward moments of all three of us.  Unless you happen to leave me with the neighbors’ pillowcases....

Have a good one. Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 36

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Saint Pawtricks Day

It was inevitable.  As soon as we saw her walk in with the Dollar Store bag.  Too early for Easter. Right.  Saint Patrick’s Day.  Guess the “luck of the Irish” doesn’t apply if you are Polish or French.  Mind you, I bet there is some poor Wheaten Terrier, or Irish Setter or Irish wolfhound somewhere being dressed up in equally appealing attire.

As usual, she started with me and Einstein. We were actually in a fairly receptive mood.  Who am I kidding- she had good treats.  

She started off with green scarves with clovers.  Even putting those on is entertaining.  We keep trying to pull them off as she puts them on.  But on the rating scale of horrible attire, they were not too bad.  Once they were on.

Sometimes her choice of attire does REALLY not work out well.  Like these little hats.  I didn’t think they were too bad, but my human thought it looked like we were wearing green tin cans on our heads.  Money so well spent.  What was she thinking?!

Next she tried the headbands.  I must confess, we didn’t mind them too much.  The liver treats were excellent.

And then, she brought in the FG. My human can get great shots of him outdoors- when he doesn’t have to look at the camera.  But these photo shoots are NOT his thing.  He spits out the treats - and then of course yours truly and Einstein scramble to grab them.  

My human THOUGHT he might cooperate wearing just the scarf.  I mean that’s really pretty basic.  But getting him to smile and put his ears up is like trying to distract a PON while his bowl is being filled with food.  It just isn’t going to work.  She tries everything. She pulls out whistles and makes all kinds of noises.  She tosses stuffed toys.  She pretends to leave. She rolls on the floor.  The shot above and this one were the best she could get.  

And THEN, she put on the headbands. Well.  The FG does NOT appreciate headgear of any kind.  They were on for literally less than a minute.  My human was able to capture the following...

So that’s it for THAT holiday.  We know what comes next.... 

In the meantime, here’s an Irish blessing just for you:

May your troubles be less, 
Your blessings be more; 
And nothing but happiness (and dogs) come through your door.

OK.  I altered it a bit... 

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 35

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Seizure update

I’m almost afraid to write about this topic, for fear of jinxing myself.  But here goes...

If you have been following my seizure free count, you see that I have passed the one month mark.  We try not to get TOO excited, because well, we have been here before.  But it IS good news - and most likely a sign that the new medication is working.

And what about the CBD oil? As you may recall, due to changes in government regulations, we could no longer obtain the type we were using last year.  My human was able to obtain a different brand through a different company in Ontario. Why could they still sell CBD oil? Who knows.  It’s a mystery.  But my human stocked up- trying to buy reserves should they be shut down.  The cost for this supposedly controlled product was around $150 per month - just like the cost of the original product we had been using before.

As you may recall, we started the CBD oil initially because there was preliminary evidence that it helps control seizures.  And we DID see a decrease in my seizures last year when I began using it.  BUT, if we look back, I had also started a new medication with my vet too.  So.  Was it the new medication making the difference ?  Was it the CBD?  Was it the combination of the two?

Since we can no longer get the controlled CBD product, we tried several others.  The problem- how do you know that what is SAYS on the bottle is what is inside?  There are currently no controls for many of the products out there.  There SHOULD BE third party testing available - as there was with the original product we were taking.  These current products did not have that testing available. Should one use these products? And the next question- what IS the correct dosage - and the correct potency? So to answer these questions,  my human went to the source.

There is currently a research study underway at the University of Colorado.  They are doing specific research on the use of CBD oil in dogs with epilepsy.  So my human sent them our questions.  And they answered. 

The big answer.  They don’t know.  Their research is not complete and will not be for some time.  They did say that they were using a dosage that was three times stronger than my human had been giving me.  Which would therefore cost around $450 per month.  The researchers actually said that without solid evidence, and given the high cost and the lack of controls for many products , at THIS point, they would NOT recommend taking it.  They recommended trying every available Veterinary medication possible, and THEN, if seizures were still occurring, start using CBD as a last resort.

Well.  THAT was a shocker.  My human THOUGHT it was making a difference- but was it?  So we began reducing my CBD in half at the same time I started my new medication.  You can see the results.

We predict that the research WILL support the use of CBD in dogs with epilepsy.  And if we need to go that route - we absolutely will.  But for now, given the lack of solid evidence, and the problems obtaining a controlled product, it just does not seem to be the best decision to use it- especially coupled with my recent success with prescription meds.  

My human says we will do whatever it takes.  And for now, we will stay the current course.

Have a good one. Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 34

Friday, March 15, 2019

Last PETA rant. For now.

OK.  I am not going to talk about PETA all the time - I mean who wants to keep hearing bad news?   But I just have to add one more thing....

On Wednesday, after 9 days, 12 hours, 39 minutes and six seconds, Pete Kaiser an Alaskan Native and his team won the Iditarod. This race is an amazing example of man and dogs working together.  In his 10th attempt, Kaiser became the first Yupik musher to win the famous race. His community stood strongly behind the 31 year old, who has been involved in dog sledding since he was a boy. When the race ended, after embracing his family he reportedly went and gave each dog a big hug, a rubdown and some very special treats. 

The prize money for the race has reportedly decreased by $20,000 since 2017.  Possibly due to sponsorship withdrawal?  And guess who was set up at the start line of the race?  It is PETA’s goal to see the race end.  Now is a good time to fight that movement.  Even though the race is over for this year, they will need support to see it happen in the future.  Here is a link to the Iditarod website-the video is very informative.  Who KNEW that so many volunteer for the race?!

Today, according to the crazy calendar is ironically, International Eat an Animal for PETA day.  I’m not joking.  In 2003, a teacher in Virginia, decided to stage her own protest against PETA. It’s apparently also known as EATAPETA day.  This teacher decided to take photos at a steakhouse (having a steak!) with signs protesting PETA.  Anyway, there is a webpage and a Facebook page about it.  You can have your own little protest at home - having your chicken dinner or pulled pork sandwich.   I trying to convince my human that we all need a good meal of beef tenderloin - it’s to show our support!!!

Anyway - that’s ALL I am going to say about PETA.  For now.  But we DO need to be vigilant.  And pro active.  And supportive of our members in the canine community.  Remember- if one area of the dog world is affected (like ending sled dog racing ), PETA WILL take aim at another.   Paws up!

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 33

Thursday, March 14, 2019


March 14.  And it’s the birthday of Albert Einstein.   That’s ALBERT Einstein.  Not the Einstein who lives in this house. Our Einstein is named after the original one - who was a pretty smart guy who (among many other things) won the Noble Prize for Physics. I can’t even describe his scientific work- it’s WAY above me. Everybody (well I think everybody) has heard of Einstein and is familiar with his “mad scientist” appearance.  But did you know he reportedly loved animals? He had a dog - a fox terrier, named Chico Marxx. Here’s a witty quote attributed to Einstein about his feisty companion:

“The dog is very smart. He feels sorry for me because I receive so much mail; that’s why he tries to bite the mailman.”   

So a funny scientist.  Who knew?

And speaking of our Einstein....we went for a run on the golf course with Pig Pen and his human yesterday. We being me and Einstein.  The FG went for his walk first and then we got to go.  AND we were actually let off leash!  The ground is still snow covered, but not too icy- so like cows being let out of the barn in the spring, we went nuts.  Einstein was particularly entertaining-  he would run, fall and roll.  Repeatedly.  Here’s a QUICK snippet - and as my human fumbled to record him, you can hear Pig Pen’s human saying my human needs a Go Pro camera.  How long have I been asking for one?! 

You can see his post-roll look in the above photo.  Looking like the real Einstein.

Pig Pen’s human did get to see how Einstein got his name.  In fact, she joked that she couldn’t remember his REAL name. His outstanding abilities were showcased when my human tried to get some photos of the three of us canines.  

For some reason, I was OBSESSED with Pig Pen, so we couldn’t be positioned for a photo together.  Then my human must have told me 50 times to look at her. I wouldn’t . 

Pig Pen, is  the  world’s most obedient dog on the planet when it comes to recalls.  But he does have a downfall.  No sit stay.  So we couldn’t get him in the photo.  

Meanwhile, Einstein was posing beautifully.  My human got a shot of the two of us, but it wasn’t great.  So she took Einstein over to two large boulders and told him to get up.  He jumped up.  She then told him to stay and look at her.  Of course he did. He’s Einstein.

Such a show off.  

It sure is nice to get out for a good run- and get this- we have been letting my human sleep in until 6:45!!!! She says that’s one good thing about the time change.

Speaking of which - time to get her moving. Another great day in the forecast- and I hope yours is as well!

Have a good one. Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 32

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Rant. Post-script.

Well.  My rant yesterday certainly got some attention. And I’m glad it did.

One reader suggested a viral campaign to let people know about Coke’s removal of the Iditarod sponsorship as a result of pressure from PETA.  She suggested bombarding the net with photos of dogs and upside down Coke cans - and the words- “Coke supports PETA.  I don’t. I support dogs.”   This type of campaign is sure to get some attention- and an initial version is already circulating on Facebook.  Please Share it if you see it!

I started thinking that aiming at Coke is definitely one course of action.  But the REAL culprit is PETA.   PETA states that they bombarded Coke with 205,000 emails from “supporters” which pressured Coke into dropping their sponsorship.  And while 205,000 sounds like a huge number, it’s really a drop in a bucket when you look at the MILLIONS of pet owners.  It seems that dog owners need to take direct aim at PETA - but many don’t KNOW PETA’s real agenda.   

NOBODY in their right mind, wants to see animals abused.  And that’s how PETA ropes people in. They rightly support issues that most people would agree are cruel - like the treatment once upon a time of circus animals.   People support the work against blatant cruelty.  But they don’t realize that underneath these good works, PETA does not want humans to “use” animals in ANY way.   They don’t believe that animals should be used for any form of “entertainment .” And this is where the water begins to get muddy.   For example, under this category of entertainment, they deem that things like sled dog racing are abusive.  People might be surprised that they believe horseback riding (not just racing) is cruel.  They only show the negative side of humans and animals - not the positive.   

They strongly promote spay and neuter to control dog overpopulation.  They believe in “a no birth nation.” Their words.  They have nothing positive to say about dog breeders. They also do not support “no-kill” shelters- where animals are “warehoused.”  They believe that euthanasia is more kind than sending a dog to a no-kill shelter.  

To find information on their website, you need to dig deep.  And frankly, while their website is flashy and contains LOTS of information, (some of which is informative) some of it is written in very odd language.  The arguments do not even make sense.  But it is probably to deflect and confuse.  They are very good at that.

Bottom line - they ultimately do not want humans to own companion animals.  So when you support them, you are supporting their long term agenda.  

What is needed is a reverse campaign - that helps to inform the public about the agendas of organizations like PETA - and how it affects pet owners.  Like a commercial showing people doing things with their dogs- retrieving, playing, herding, working as service dogs- and emphasizing that animals DO have RIGHTS- to housing, food and veterinary care and LOVE -which is found with responsible ownership.  We all believe that.  But don’t let organizations like PETA take away YOUR right to have a companion animal in your home.  

This kind of promotion has to be professionally done. And IN THE MEDIA.  Maybe organizations like the AKC, CKC, UKC - could work TOGETHER on this kind of campaign.    

The Coke add is a great start.  It’s bringing attention- and that’s what we need to do.  And for major change, we also need support from the major players.

But I’m still not letting my human drink any Coke.

Just a humble dog’s opinion....

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up.

Seizure free days:  31

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


I was going to write today about Coca Cola and the fact that it was first sold in bottles on this day in 1894.  But I am angry with Coke- because I see they have fallen prey to the pressure of the Animal Rights movement- specifically PETA.  This company, which was a sponsor of the famous Iditarod Sled Dog race, pulled their sponsorship reportedly after pressure from PETA.  

This is just another step in the direction to END pet ownership. Really - it is.   If you carefully read PETA’s website you will see that they do NOT believe people should own animals.  At all.  And so they are slowly working at that goal - beginning with things that could be deemed as cruel by some in the the uninformed general public, and gradually working their way toward a ban on pet ownership.  A total ban. 

Think the greyhounds were abused?  Like anything, some may have been.  But regulations in the recent years controlled the sport more.  But guess what?  Greyhound racing ended in Florida- leaving dogs without homes and owners without jobs.  Think the sled dogs are abused? Again - controls have been put in place and regular veterinary checks are done to ensure the health of the dogs.  Without sponsors though, how long will that sport continue?  

Purebred dogs and breeders have been vilified because there are “so many deserving dogs in shelters who need homes.”  While there ARE deserving dogs in shelters, we need to recognize that responsible purebred breeders did not create the shelter dilemma- irresponsible breeders and puppy mills did that.  But guess what happens if we follow the motto of spay and  neuter all dogs - and adopt, don’t shop?  You don’t need a PhD in biology to figure out that if all dogs are spayed and neutered, no dogs are born.  And guess what?  Eventually you have no dogs.  So PETA’s mission is accomplished.  They would rather have NO dogs than see animals as pets.

Stopping sports like racing and sledding are just the START of the movement.  Next on the list - probably hunting dogs.  I mean think of those poor dogs having to retrieve ducks.  Or those poor dogs herding sheep.  That’s hard work.  And think about those poor dogs having to run around an agility course?  I hope you are reading my sarcasm- but not underestimating the seriousness of this issue.

I have ranted about this topic before - but seeing companies fall victim to the anti-pet agenda just stirred me up again.  You might THINK that this is a purebred issue - but it affects anyone owned by a dog.  By vilifying purebreds, if PETA can get people to stop owning them - what is left?  Neutered shelter dogs. And then what is left?

I wish humans would wake up.  There are MILLIONS of pet owners world wide.  You need to be vigilant and pro-active in supporting your RIGHT to have canines in your households.  When PETA  pushes - you need to push back.  Imagine if all the people who own dogs  said they were going to STOP drinking Coke for a week - in protest.  Imagine how it would hit sales.  But that’s the problem, Animal Rights crazies DO protest - and they get what they want!  But pet owners don’t.  There is danger in standing by and saying “oh I don’t own a sled dog - it’s not my problem.”  It’s a very slippery slope when one area of the canine world is affected.... and if you think it will never happen- talk to the greyhound owners - and the breeders who are watching their breeds near extinction.  

Done.  I need a biscuit.  Make that two.

Have a good one. Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 30

Monday, March 11, 2019

Handling class

So yesterday the FG went out.  To a “handling” class.  Where he learns how to handle my human.  When they go in a beauty pageant. I thought they were done with all that stuff- he got a big yellow ribbon, isn’t that enough?  Turns out the big yellow ribbon gave him 2 points.  He needs 10 points to be a champion.  Einstein is a champion.  I told the FG that one champion per household is enough.  He actually agrees.

When he got to the class he really would have preferred to play with everyone.  But that’s not the goal, so he was on a short leash.  He also lived up to his name - the Friendly Giant - because he TOWERED over all the dogs there.  A Papillon,  a couple of Cavaliers, a Boston Terrier, several Shelties and an Aussie puppy.  You know that old song from Sesame  Street-“one of these things is not like the others...”.  Well that about summed up the class.  He was probably the oldest dog there too.  

For those who have never shown a dog before, but have seen shows like Westminster or Crufts and it looks so easy to run around a ring with your dog...well I’m here to tell you, it’s NOT that easy.  You take a non-graceful human, and put her on the end of a leash with a wily coyote-like creature- and it looks NOTHING like Westminster.  They call it a success if neither of them trips.

Overall, though, the FG was pretty well behaved.  Although...he does get very bored waiting for his turn to run around the ring.  It’s the longest hour of my human’s life.   He lies down while waiting and tries to creep up to the dogs in front of him.  Most girl dogs seemed to think he was “interesting.”   But Jerome, the Boston who is actually much bigger than the FG (in presence!) basically gave the FG the stink eye which means “don’t even THINK of getting in my space.”  The FG didn’t even ATTEMPT to bug Jerome.  He knows better.

After one hour, he and my human were beat, but they still managed to stop at the pet store on the way home.  He came in the door, had his supper and raced into the bedroom to make himself comfortable on my human’s bed.  How can standing around for an hour be THAT exhausting?!

We’re not sure when he’ll be entered again in a real show.  He has two more weeks of classes - and then they will decide.  Maybe when he’s five.

In the meantime, I HEAR he will be doing something ELSE in a few weeks.  You’ll have to wait to hear about this one- it will NO doubt be even MORE entertaining than beauty pageants.   It is happening some time early in April....

Have a good one. Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 29

Sunday, March 10, 2019

More on accidents...

So I really am thinking that my insurance idea is a good one.  Here’s an interesting fact reported in a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association:  What has more than doubled in occurrence in the last 13 years in adults over 65 years old? Bone fractures related to dog walking!!   Now my human isn’t yet in the over 65 category (although some mornings she acts like she is over 95) but she is an example of falling on ice while dog walking - and breaking her wrist a few years ago. It was a few months before I wrote my very first blog entry.  It was actually 5 years ago yesterday.

She had taken me and Einstein out for our morning walk.  There had been a dusting of snow, and she wasn’t 30 feet from the front door when her feet went out from under her and she sat down HARD.  With her hands at her side.  She knew INSTANTLY without even looking at her wrist that it was broken.  Einstein and I didn’t know why we were going back in the house. But we figured SOMETHING was not quite right. She called her sister, who drove her to the emergency department.  Yup.  It was busted- requiring a big old cast. They didn’t recommend wearing a sling - but they gave her one to wear on the way home.  She removed the sling when she got home - and in her dazed state, left in on the counter.  That’s when Bucket Head countersurfed and SWALLOWED most of it.  Less than a week later, Bucket Head had to undergo surgery to remove the sling. Here’s a blurry shot of him at that time:

In looking through the photos (I’m not posting the gross black and blue pictures of my human’s fingers) - I found this gem that dates a few days AFTER Bucket Head’s surgery when he was no longer wearing the cone of shame.  

I barely remember that bed.  Or that carpet.  They say bad things happen in threes- I guess that was number three.  I DO recall that this WAS a joint canine effort.... 

So the moral of the story - no matter WHAT your age - be careful walking Fido.  And you know, I wonder if fractures increase at the end of the winter season because humans are getting more “spring” in their step and are maybe a bit less cautious?  But don’t quote me on that part - I made that up.

We are back to dark morning walks now BUT the sun will be out longer into the evening.  Plus we even slept in until 7 today!!!!

I hear the FG is going somewhere today.  Maybe another play date after his poor manners the other day?   Or maybe something else.

Tune in tomorrow to find out.

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 28

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Clocks. And Barbie.

Thanks to those who shared their canine war stories yesterday.  We had everything from loosened teeth to scratched corneas.  Ouch.  I’m thinking this insurance idea might not be so crazy after all!

Don’t forget when you go to bed tonight to move your clock ahead.   It will  be the first time my human gets to “sleep in.”  Even though she loses an hour.  The clock will say she has slept in though. It’s all about perspective.

Today on this day in 1959, Barbie made her debut at a toy fair in New York. If you happen to own one of those versions of Barbie Millicent Roberts - in the original box, in mint condition, you are holding over $25,000.  That’s a LOT of dog biscuits.  We have lots of old junk in our house but no Barbies.  The fact that my human and her sister “restyled” Barbie’s hair with scissors probably reduced the value.  To like $0.

But what connection does Barbie have to dogs.  Besides no doubt being a great chew toy for many canines.  Well here is a funny tidbit reported by Modern Dog magazine.  Did you know that Barbie once had a dog?  A golden Retriever named Tanner.  Tanner could “eat” dog food and would then poop!   But no worries about clean up - Barbie had her own pooper scooper - for the poop which was magnetic!  Sounds perfect!!  Unfortunately, the product was quickly recalled when the magnets were labeled as a choking hazard. Check out this commercial:

I think that toy was a great idea for teaching kids about dog ownership.  Pity about the choking problem.

There was also a Sugar Daddy Ken from Palm Beach who had a dog- a little Westie.  He was apparently geared to adult Barbie collectors.  Given that this idea COULD be deemed as politically incorrect, he wasn’t around long.  In fact I’m never sure he even was sold.

So that’s your useless Barbie trivia for today.  I didn’t bother searching to see Barbie or Ken had any cats....

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 27

Friday, March 8, 2019


My human had a message yesterday from a loyal blog reader.  She wanted to clarify about clicking info on my blog site - and whether we get pennies when someone goes to the blog site, or if you have to actually click on those ads you see on the sides of my blog.  Just to clarify - we don’t get any money when you click on the blog.  Just the satisfaction in knowing you have  read it!  The way we receive a payment is if you click on the actual ads.  Apparently you can’t always see them if you are reading my blog on your phone, but if you move the page around, you should be able to view the ads.  You don’t need to actually buy that cruise on the Rhine or that vacuum cleaner, but just by clicking that ad, we get a few pennies.  If you happen to get ads that are inappropriate- please let us know!  We have tried to filter them so they are NOT inappropriate- but one never knows with the internet!

This reader chatted with my human and as they commiserated with each other about “bad dog” stories,  she told my human a story which gave my human a great idea for a new money making scheme.  Insurance for pet owners.   No - not for pets- that already exists - but insurance for when your dog accidentally injures you! 

This reader has a young, active Weimaraner-who accidentally gave her an attractive black eye while he was sitting on her lap.  He moved his head back while she wasn’t prepared and BAM.  I am SURE many owners have been clocked by their dogs when they are in the wrong position at the wrong time.  And how many owners have had an injury when a dog goes to grab a toy that is being thrown, and actually catches a piece of his human’s hand?  Or a dog who is traveling at warp speed and zigs while the human zags and gets knocked over?

One time my human let us outside and she was standing by the front door with it partly closed and yours truly threw myself at the door- the corner of which met squarely with my human’s forehead.  She saw stars.

In all of these scenarios, we are not talking about vicious dogs or dogs who intend to inflict harm.  We are talking about the normal day to day accidents that happen.  Humans should be able to get insurance for that!  And heaven forbid we cause a hospitalization- the insurance could include coverage for dog care.  And the caregivers would be covered too!  Kind of like sports insurance. Who do I see about starting this up?!

Now obviously, there is nothing funny about injuries...but...well I did find a few videos that aren’t funny - but they are.  Hope they give you a chuckle - and no doubt many of you have your own war stories and the battle scars to prove it!  Please feel free to share them - misery loves company!!!! The joys of being owned by a dog...

Have a good one. Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 26

Thursday, March 7, 2019


I can’t believe I forgot to tell you about something rather amazing that the FG did the other day. Now don’t get all excited - he’s not ready for the Worlds’s Most Amazing Dog contest.  (More on that later. ) No - this is in contrast to his running away and his ditching  his play date.  So the amazing bar for the FG isn’t super high these days.

Anyway, several days last week, we had extremely cold weather - with high winds on top. So we didn’t go for long walks - but the FG did get to go up to the road to get our newspaper. Obviously with my human.  One day, the paper had blown way down the road.  Another day, there was no sign of it.  So imagine my human’s  delight on a third day when the paper had blown down into the ditch - along with the package of weekly flyers. Now it’s no fun to go down into the ditch at the best of times - but 100 times worse when the slope to get down is icy.  She spotted the papers and immediately thought of her old Labrador who could be instructed to get the paper if it went in the ditch.  Heck, I hear he even retrieved garbage can lids from the ditch.  So she figured the FG should try - in fact he MAY have done it once before. When it wasn’t icy and snowy. 

My human looked at the FG and said “Get it.”  He looked at her and stared.  She repeated herself.  He stared.  She took his head in her hands and directed it to the two papers in the bright pink plastic bags, sitting in the ditch.  She pointed at the papers. He put his head up and watched a bird flying by.  Now you need to know that the FG does get to bring the paper every morning.  True, he tosses it and often just leaves it on the driveway for my human to pick up, but SOME days he carries it all the way to the door. 

So then my human picked up a chunk of ice - and tossed it onto the papers.  Well THAT worked.  Down he jumped into the ditch.  Looking for the ice.  She started repeating “Get it” and pointing to the paper.  He stood there and looked at the paper.  Like he had never seen such an amazing thing in his life.  Its’s a Picard thing.  Stare.  And then pounce.  And then, much to my human’s shock, he got the paper.  And jumped up out of the ditch.  She hugged him and told him how brilliant he was.  You would have thought he just won High in Trial at a big dog show.  So now the question.  Try for the second paper?  She repeated her technique, and he did the same.  Complete with staring at the paper again.  And he again brought it up.

My human was overjoyed.  You would have thought she won the lottery.   Until he tossed the paper he was given and it almost ended up in the ditch on the other side of the driveway.  Still - it didn’t, and he happily carried it home.   I think he was showing that he CAN be a good dog....

And speaking of Amazing Dogs, if you are a Facebook follower, you can look for a contest that is going on right now called the World’s Most Amazing Dog. Now I must say, Einstein could probably be taught to do a LOT of the tricks I have seen.  And some are far from amazing.  There was a dog who could balance a bunch of cookies on his head (Episode 4). Sorry, but I wasn’t that impressed.  Now if he tossed his head back and ate them all in one bite, THAT would be amazing.  Mind you, he did look cute staring upward at the stuff on his head.

Then you have the typical dog opening the fridge and getting a beer.  As IF my human would EVER teach us to open the fridge.  Need I say more.

I’m not exactly sure how all this voting goes - but the grand prize is $100,000.  That would buy a lot of treats.  And by the way, I didn’t see any blog writing dogs.  Just saying.

OK.  Time to get her out again.  It was icy yesterday, but we managed to waddle all the way down the road.  Well, my human waddled. We trotted.  And slid.  Just making it home with no one falling was amazing.  Hey - there’s a trick for that contest.  Winter weather walking in Nova Scotia.  

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 25

Wednesday, March 6, 2019


Today is the first day of Lent.   So I am giving up- I don’t know what.  It can’t be anything edible because I like food TOO much.  I honestly don’t think I have tried any food I don’t like.  So giving up food would be pure torture.  How about I give up barking as meals are being prepared.  OK - I admit I don’t do that now - it’s Einstein who does that.  He could give that up.  Then again, that’s another impossibility.  I could give up chasing bunnies.  Mind you I haven’t done that in ages.  The FG apparently saw one the other day, but he was on a leash so he couldn’t go anywhere.   I could give that up.   And I would probably be successful.  No point in giving something up if you have no chance for success.

You KNOW what happens as Easter draws near.  Think antlers at Christmas time.   Yup - she should be hauling out the rabbit ears any time now for the infamous photo shoot.  I could EASILY give that up for Lent.

We are gradually getting used to this retirement stuff.  Although it DOES interfere with our day long napping.  I mean EVERY time my human makes a MOVE, it is critical that all of us follow her.  Going to the garage? She has to hold back three canines.  Going to the refrigerator?  At least two of us must look inside on the off chance that a burglar could be hiding in there. Or she left a steak on the lower shelf.  Going outdoors to put something in the compost bin?  She has to run out before we all attempt to join her.  Going to the bathroom?  We’ll be right outside the door guarding her.  Going to eat some yogurt?  We are all there waiting to lick the container. Going to make supper?  We must all lie down in the kitchen.  And that’s the only time we DON’T make a move -so she has to step over us.  Unless the fridge door opens.

When she was working, she wasn’t here to take us out.  Now we NEED to go out every few hours.  But don’t leave us out there.  We want to come back in. And see where she is going next. 

My human said that being retired with three dogs is more work than work.  I think she was joking.  Maybe.

Well time to get her out for her walk.  For any human who says they are bored since they retired, I have the perfect solution.  Get a dog.  Better yet - get three. And by the way - my human says she wouldn’t have it any other way....

Have a good one. Peace and paws up!
Seizure free days: 24

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Paczki Day!

It’s Tuesday - and it’s a big day!  It’s Paczki Day! Also known as Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Tuesday, and Mardi Gras- it’s the day before Lent begins - and it’s a day to party.  And eat paczki.  For my non-Polish readers, paczki (pronounced POONCH-key) are Polish donuts. Yummy, tasty donuts - often filled with jelly.  My human was actually able to find some “authentic” paczki at the grocery store - and somehow they are already gone.  She claims her grandmother made THE best paczki on the planet.  Clearly my human didn’t get the baking gene.

Although we canines could certainly SAMPLE a bit of human paczki, it’s probably best if we have our own.  I found a couple of videos.  The first goes through all the steps to making dog donuts.  And they are pretty fancy:

But then I found this one, which is probably more my human’s style.  Fast:

The fancy, detailed creations are lovely.  But in our house, they would last all of 3.8 seconds.  At least when it comes to us PONs.   They would be gone before the icing was set.  So why bother making the detailed version?  Between us PON vacuum cleaners and the Picard who would just stare at them (and then probably just toss them around) there really is no point in making fancy versions.  Just give us a hunk of dough.

Anyway, tomorrow begins Lent - when some humans basically re-institute their New Year’s resolutions.  They give up something and pledge to do good works until Easter.  This is my human’s second chance to eat better and get in good shape.  Cranky days ahead - but more walks for us!!!!

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up!
Seizure free days: 23