Sunday, June 23, 2019

Dog News

Time for some news in the dog world....

On this day in 2013, Nick Wallenda of the famous acrobatic family, was the first person to walk on a tightrope across the Grand Canyon. Remind me again why humans are considered to be the smartest species?  Anyway, my human saw a video of a Belgian Malinois walking a tightrope.  And I was going to share that.  But THEN I found THIS video - which shows a bit of tightrope walking - but some other daredevil stuff as well.  Check this out.  And I thought Border Collies were crazy.

Meanwhile, in looking at other end of the spectrum in canine behavior- did you hear about the bulldog in Boston?  The one who wasn’t feeling so well?  Well this brilliant pooch ate NINETEEN baby pacifiers.  Seriously.  Now I’m not so sure who is less bright in that household- the dog who ate the inedible objects - or the humans who didn’t happen to notice that pacifiers were going missing.  Just sayin’.  Anyway, the pacifiers were removed and Wellesley will be fine.

Remember that Border Collie, Hero who was on America’s Got Talent?  Well Hero’s human got married.  I assume Hero approved the groom.  So to celebrate the wedding, Hero and his human did a special wedding dance.  Here’s a part of it:

Thank goodness my human isn’t getting married any time soon. We would never be able to figure out a dance routine quickly.   Mind you, first she needs to find a groom.  Just a small technicality.

So those are a few headlines in the dog world. Einstein and I took our time warming up to my human.   Seriously- we PONs are a sensitive lot.  We sometimes ignore her when she first gets home to show our displeasure about the fact that she was gone.  And this time, we were a bit more miffed because the FG got to go.  We’ll play hard to make smile for at least another day - because she keeps plying us with treats to make up for leaving us at home.   Remember who is training who...

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days:  15

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