Friday, June 21, 2019

One more puppy fix

Well as difficult as it is, Einstein and I are continuing to behave.  Her highness and the FG return tonight - the time went by really quickly.  We could use a few more days to train Char.  She’ll have to come back again.

Meanwhile, yesterday my human and Glenda again spent time with Anne and the puppies.  I’ll entice you with just a few more puppy pictures.  It’s hard to believe the FG was ever that little. 

They all have something that human’s love- puppy breath.  I think if we could bottle that aroma, we could make a LOT of money!

Apparently all the puppies are very sweet.  But of course in every litter, there are one or two who are ... how shall I say this ... the poop disturbers.  The feisty, pushy monkeys who are always in trouble.  And they are often the ones that the breeder is ...well... not as sad to see go to their new homes.  I mean they are not BAD puppies- just...busy puppies.  Well.  It turns out that my human JUST found out that the FG was the “busy” one in his litter!  Just like me!  I was the bad, big boy in my litter too.  My human knows how to pick her puppies.  Or rather- we picked her. 

Well I had better get ready for their return.  Excuse me while I go and get cleaned up!

Have a good one. Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 13

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