Thursday, October 16, 2014

Hairy Tales

Never a dull moment in our house…

The other day I started to panic – I looked at Paxton and started to worry that he had something wrong with him (besides the usual).  It’s crazy - he is shedding his hair.  I mean losing it.  My human calls it “blowing his coat” – I call it global fallout.  He has HUGE tufts of hair sticking out all over.  And when my human brushes him – it flies all over.  When you brush us PONs, the hair doesn’t go everywhere – and there may just be a little on the brush.  With Paxton, it’s on the brush – and EVERYWHERE else.  Crack open an egg, and you’ll find Paxton hair.  And the vacuuming that is going on!  It’s like we are living next to an airport – the sound of the engine never stops.  And when my human DOES stop and puts away the vacuum, 10 seconds later, a black hairball the size of a Papillon rolls by.

My human actually has to brush him outside.  And she puts the hair in the compost bin.  She practically FILLED the bin yesterday.  Now she’s afraid that the garbage guy will have a heart attack when he looks in – he might think it’s a bear.

And speaking of hair…I got a bit of a scolding about hair the other day…You see, I sometimes like to “trim” the hair on my legs.  No.  I don’t have allergies.  No.  I don’t lick my feet.  I’m just into self-barbering.  My human noticed my legs one day when she was brushing me– and it looked like someone had taken scissors and cut some of the hair in straight lines.   And just on my back legs.  She thought it was REALLY odd … 

And THEN she decided to brush Frodo…..And my human noticed….that the same straight lines were on Frodo.  On his EARS.  Which CLEARLY, he could NOT have done himself.  OK. OK.  I confess.  I was tired of self-barbering – and wanted to try my craft on someone else!  I didn’t dare try it on Paxton – because I would have landed up with a MOUTHFUL of hair. 

We have a HUGE assortment of toys and things to chew on when my human goes to work – and we do get PLENTY of exercise.  And my “trimming” is not a constant thing – my legs aren’t bare or anything.  And my skin is FINE.  I just like to BARBER.  Sometimes.  Plain and simple. 

I just WISH my human would give me an electric razor so I could take care of Paxton’s shedding once and for all.

© 2014 Linda Wozniak

1 comment:

  1. You can always come down to Hackett's Cove and try to cut my husband's hair.
