Tuesday, November 18, 2014

See ya later!

OK.  The day has arrived.  I see the suitcase.  Our human always packs behind closed doors – so we won’t see the suitcase until she is just about ready to go.  Seriously.  We heard her on the phone days ago talking about going.  And remember – we have EXCELLENT hearing – so we also heard the telltale sounds of the zipper on the suitcase.  We figured it out days ago.  But we’ll look all surprised and sad – just for effect.  Remember…the dogsitter is coming…

And while all of that IS exciting – something equally exciting happened yesterday.  A box arrived.  A BIG box.  Annnnnnnnnnnnd Frodo read something on the side of it – it said “Sweden” AND it had the word “DOG.”  I thought it might be a PUPPY – but Frodo pointed out that it is a cardboard box – and puppies don’t come in those kind of boxes.  He just rolled his eyes in typical Frodo fashion. So I started thinking – and I realized – it MIGHT be those interactive dog toys that my human saw on-line!  I am soooo excited.  But I think she is keeping them until Christmas.  I bet that’s what they are.  In fact, I would bet two treats that’s what they are.  IMAGINE the Vik-Advisor review I will get to do after we get those things! 

Well, since my human is taking her laptop with her to this “conference” thing, and I don’t have my own iPawd, I’ll be blogless for a few days.  I’ll be sure to share what kind of trouble I get in, oops I mean – how good I have been, when my human returns.   In the meantime, all you canines out there– continue to “Bark like nobody is listening.”  You can quote me on that one.  And if anyone complains, tell them Viktor said you could. Viktor.  The PON.

©  2014  Linda Wozniak


  1. You got it, Viktor - "Bark like nobody is listening". My two PONs do that A LOT!

  2. Frodo is the champion at this. And I am learning from his expertise!
