Thursday, April 9, 2015


So last night, my human got home from work, took us out for a pee and fed us our supper.  While we were eating, she went to change out of her work clothes and into her dog-friendly attire.  Speaking of which – we had a very sad day in our house the other day.  My human’s very favorite, giant, worn-out, hole-ridden sweat pants – the pair that has seen many a dog hair and dog slobber and has been thrown on in haste to take out a dog more times than one can BEGIN to count – FINALLY died.  The drawstring that held up the pants, finally, after being broken before – broke beyond repair.  In a word – the pants are shot.  They haven’t YET gone in the trash – but they are REALLY beyond repair.  Yes.  It was a sad day.  Poor pants.  But I digress. 

While my human went to change, and she was in the bedroom, Frodo began to bark.  And bark.  And BARK.  Which as we all know, is Frodo’s “thing.”  But he generally doesn’t do it at suppertime.  And he had just been out.  He had just eaten.  My human shouted from the other room “Frodo – what’s your problem?  I’ll be right there.”  He continued to bark – to answer her question.  Basically, Frodo was being a tattletale.  And when my human came in, she saw what he was tattling about.  Paxton had stolen a big can of open pumpkin off the counter.  Déjà vu.  He has done it before.  My human in her haste to change her clothes, left the can on the counter.  And THAT’S why Frodo was barking.  Who does he think he is, Lassie? He is SUCH a tattletale.   When my human saw Pax with the can, Frodo stood there, quite smugly.  My human took the can – and Paxton just looked at Frodo.  Remind me never to do anything naughty while the “PON police is on patrol”.  Seriously, it’s not like HE doesn’t do anything bad.  I mean he…well he….OK he must do SOMETHING bad.  BESIDES bark.  Give me some time – I’ll think of something…tattletale.

© Linda Wozniak

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