Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Don't hamper my efforts!

Our house is a disaster.  OK.  It’s not THAT bad – but things ARE a bit more chaotic than normal – as we are having renovations.  Humans have this “thing” where they look at a room that they have been using for YEARS and all of a sudden they say “Ewwww – I don’t like this.”  We canines really don’t care about that kind of stuff – this is totally a human thing.  Anyway, what seems like three years ago, but is more like three weeks – the demolition began on what is called the “master” bathroom.   My human is technically the “master” of the house – so I GUESS it is her bathroom.  What began as a simple shower “replacement” became a full on, rip out, down to the studs destruction.  Tile came off the walls and the floor.  I think Frodo should have helped as he is great at digging, but my human said “no.”, 

Things have come to a halt as we all excitedly await the back-ordered shower.  OK.  None of us canines is all that excited.  And because of the destruction, there are a few “things” in the bedroom that would normally have their home in the bathroom.  Like this clothes hamper. ..

The hamper has been in the bedroom since the explosion began – holding dirty clothing awaiting the laundry.  But last night, I discovered something. …

My human came in the room and there I was with my head wedged in the fabric hamper – which stands on a metal base.  “What are you doing?” she asked.  What was I doing?  I discovered TREASURE in there.  You see, 90% of my human’s clothing has pockets.  And in those pockets, one can find dog kibble.  She’s like a squirrel preparing for winter – she always carries kibble.  And of course, she has to empty her pockets before she does the laundry – or you end up with “kibocket” – the broken up, sometimes mushy residue of dog kibble in pockets after it has been through the wash.  Anyway, when my human came in, I was quickly eating through the pockets of my human’s shorts.

“Stop” she shouted and extricated me from the hamper.  She “secured” the velcro cover and told me to leave it alone.  You would think the velcro would be easy to open – but Frodo took a different approach when my human left the room.  He just quickly ripped a hole in the cover of the hamper.  Quickly.  I mean SUPER quickly.  My human couldn’t have been out of the room a minute.  But honestly, we are talking PONs and food.  It’s no surprise really.

The hamper, or what's left of it, has now been placed in a closet.

Apparently the new shower will be in this week.  And then we can supervise the workers as they continue with the renovation of our new bathroom.  Note I said “our”.  Because really, we DO own this place….

Now excuse me while I see if I can get in that closet…

©  Linda Wozniak

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