Friday, September 25, 2015


So today let’s talk about habits.  Habits are behaviors that when repeated over and over again, become unconscious routines. Humans have habits – like following the same route to work each day.  Some habits are good – like sitting and waiting for our food to be served. And some habits are bad – like chasing bunnies.  And then some habits are just plain old strange – and this house is FULL of strange habits.  For example, we all go outright CRAZY with barking when our human gets home.  Like we are each shouting at her about what we have been doing all day.  Which is a bit odd – since we mostly sleep while she is away – but we still must bark incessantly for several minutes.

Paxton is the KING of strange habits.  As soon as he wakes up in the morning – and my human goes into the bathroom, he pulls a HUNK of hair from his tail.  I kid you not.  And then he tries to spit out this big hunk of hair, and is often not successful.  So my human comes out of the bathroom and takes one look at him and says “Seriously????????” and pulls the glob of hair out of his mouth.  At which point he must growl at her while she does it.  Like she’s taking away some prized possession. This has become a daily routine. Despite the fact that she will shout from the bathroom – “You had better not be biting your tail, Paxton.”  Frodo and I just watch.

Paxton’s other STRANGE habit is to grab his food dish the minute my human comes home.  He will even take it outside, if she doesn’t stop him first. Maybe he’s afraid we PONs will steal his food.  Well…. I guess he is justified in this strange habit.

Frodo and I also have a strange habit of trying to wedge ourselves into weird spots to rest.  I SQUEEZE myself between the headboard of the bed and the wall every night.  And beware any dog who tries to get close to my uncomfortable accommodations!

A canine psychologist could have a field day at our house.   If someone needs subjects for a study on weird behavior – give us a call.  We can keep you in research funding for years….

© Linda Wozniak

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