Saturday, September 5, 2015

Good luck bro

Well.  Another good news, bad news day.  First off, Frodo had the inevitable bath yesterday.  He was NOT happy.  The price one pays to be a dog show dog.  Even though he's not even in the beauty pageant today.  But he does look good, and smells better - or so my human thinks! That's the good news.

So he is entered in something called Rally Excellent Obedience this weekend.  Which is more about brains than beauty.  And my human THOUGHT he was entered in three trials.  But she kind of wondered why she never received the confirmation for the third trial.  Seems they are not entered after all.  Not sure what button she didn't press, but they are just entered today - in two trials.  Oh well. That's the bad news.  Although Frodo doesn't care.

Our human got up and walked us at the crack of dawn - even though the show site is like 6.9 minutes from our house - and they are not entered until 10:00.  It's kind of crazy how nervous she gets.  Seriously.  It's a DOG SHOW.  You are not doing a speech for 300 people - or going on live radio or TV.  That she CAN do without getting nervous.  But tell her she has to walk around in a gated arena with one of us - and you would think she was jumping out of a plane!  Frodo KNOWS something is up.  He figured it out yesterday with the bath.  Now he keeps following her around - and watching EVERY move she makes.  It's really quite amusing.  As I said before - better him than me.

So good luck bro.   Just don't pee on anything.  Or run out of the ring.  Or bark at the judge.  I hope you pass.  And you are the best PON there.  OK.  You will be the ONLY PON there.  So do us proud!

©  Linda Wozniak

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