Tuesday, May 2, 2017

A pins and needles situation

My human is taking this as a sign that MAYBE luck around here is about to change.  She dodged a bullet the other morning - a very prickly bullet...

My human is about to begin a busy but exciting time at work.  So yesterday morning she was up before 5 to give us good walks before breakfast.  The FG went out first - with my human wearing her trusty headlamp.  However, the trusty headlamp is in need of new batteries - so the beam doesn't extend much beyond arm's length.  Not exactly ALL that helpful - however, when walking on the road, the neighbors driving on the road can still spot her little light.

She and the FG walked all the way up the driveway, down the road and back.  When they reached the end of the driveway, she went to take the newspaper out of the delivery box.  She handed it to the FG.  Now the consistency of the paper delivery after that point varies from day to day.  Sometimes the FG is serious about his job.  And he carries the paper right to the door.  Other days the paper becomes a toss toy.  Up it goes.  Then he grabs it again - and up it goes again.  And FORGET giving him the paper if it is not in a plastic bag.  It becomes confetti.

Anyway, yesterday he was serious about his job.  And as they headed back down the driveway, my human saw the poop bag they had left (with contents) on the way out.  No point in carrying it the whole time - she left it for pick-up on the return.  She approached the bag - and then she looked BEYOND the poop bag.  And it was still rather dark - but just starting to get bright enough that she could see something in the driveway, without her headlamp - which was of no assistance.  What WAS that?  There have been quite a few bunnies hanging out in the past few weeks - so she wondered if that's what it was.  They took a few more steps toward the object.  Hmmmm....Too big for a bunny.  Maybe a cat?  No - a few more steps and it was bigger than a cat.  And then it started moving away from them - and she realized what it was.  A porcupine! Well the FG took one look at it and wanted NOTHING to do with it.  He was of course on leash but he made no attempt to pull toward the mysterious creature. He just wanted to get home with his paper.  Mr. Porky went off to the right and disappeared into the woods.  Contrary to popular belief - porcupines do NOT shoot out their quills if approached.  But if touched - beware because one will quickly become impaled.  I remember.  VERY well.

The FG and my human arrived home safe and sound.  But now the question -should she DARE take me and Einstein TOGETHER for our walk?  I mean if we see something and one is not prepared - well... we exert QUITE a pull.  But my human wanted to give BOTH of us a good walk and she didn't have time to take each of us separately.  So she filled her pockets with treats, braced herself and headed out the door.  Not only was Mr. Porky gone, neither of us seemed to even pick up his scent as we crossed the place in the driveway that he had walked.  Our walk was completely uneventful - which makes for a boring ending to the blog - but a FABULOUS ending for my human.

We'll have to keep an eye out for Mr. Porky and no off leash time after dusk.  OR early in the morning.  My human has no time to be hauling out the pliers and doing home surgery again.

Oh and by the way, the FG has been within 20 feet of a bunny, and he could not care less.  Unlike some PONs in this household.  Perhaps he just needs a lesson in rabbit hunting...yours truly wil be happy to provide instructions!

Have a good one!

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