Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Today is May 30 and according to the crazy calendar, it's Water a Flower Day.  My human has pretty much given up planting annual flowers.  Let's face it - we just CANNOT resist the urge to pee on anything new in the garden.  It's simply our way of watering.  So our house is surrounded by perennials - which even with our abundant watering, are usually hard to kill.  Especially hostas.  She has something like over 25 varieties and so far, we haven't killed any.  So far being the operative words.  The other thing we pee on is the barbecue cover - out on the deck.  Every time we go out.  So the other day, before we were let out on the deck, my human took us out for a pee first.  Then she turned around the cover on the BBQ- thinking we wouldn't pee on a spot that had not been peed on before.  Wrongo.  She watched us when we first went out and when I wandered by the BBQ, with an almost three legged stance - she shouted at me to "Stop."  So I did.  She turned her back for an instant, and the FG peed instead.  She shouted at the heavens - at some saints of dog pee and went in the house.  When she came back out 30 seconds later, there were now three streams of pee on the cover.

My human had gone out on the deck in the first place to see how her paint job turned out.  Every year she has to paint at least part of the deck - and she did it two weeks ago.  She was admiring her work.  She had patched a spot where the FG had dug an indentation in the wood and had painted over it - and it looked excellent.  She left us out on the deck with the door open while she went back in the house.   She still had some work to do for work (when DOES this busy time end?) and she sat down to do something at the computer.  Einstein and I were lying near the door - on the deck.  The FG could not be seen.  But suddenly my human HEARD him.  Making weird scratching sound.  BINGO - you've got it - he found the newly painted patched area that he had previously destroyed.  And he was returning the wood to its previous rugged look.  "NO!!!!!!!" she shouted.  She now had to move a cement starfish over the spot.  The starfish is not usually on the deck, but it had been placed over the spot before it was painted to prevent further damage.  Back to square one.

Sometimes my human thinks she should take a wrecking ball to the house, and start all over.  She threatens that we would have to live in a tent.  Now could you picture THAT?  The three of us and her in a tent?  Wonder who would be the first one to water it?

Have a good one!

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