Thursday, May 4, 2017

The smart thief

So the other morning, the FG got to go for a run with Jackson.  Einstein and I had our long walk, and then the FG got his turn.  My human brought the new tug toy - the one that is just like Jackson's - and Jackson's human actually brought his as well.  The two dogs reportedly had a BLAST - racing around the golf course with the toy - up and over the hills, through the woods and of course, into the ponds.  Jackson LOVES to swim.  The FG not so much.  But he has a dilemma when the fetch toy is thrown into the middle of the pond.  He WANTS it.  Really badly.  Really REALLY badly.  But as soon as he is getting in over his head - he stops and comes back to shore.  Letting Jackson get the toy.  He just can't seem to figure out the mechanics of swimming.  Time to haul out the old life jacket.  My human actually used it with one of her Bernese to teach him to swim - and it worked.  Although he never would have won any Olympic medals for the performance of his dog paddle.  It wasn't pretty.

Anyway, the FG IS pretty clever though.  He simply waits until Jackson swims out, gets the toy, swims back, and then HE grabs it from Jackson.   Good thing Jackson is such a patient dog!  But I must confess - the FG DOES figure things out...he's smart thief....

It was the first time he went for a walk and he actually BEHAVED the whole hour.  Jackson didn't lose any hunks of tail hair and the FG didn't take off and have to be captured.   MAYBE he is maturing.   Bwhahahahaha.  Who am I kidding?

Have a good one.

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