Friday, May 5, 2017

Good behavior.

Well it's that time of the year when the canine grazers emerge from their winter hibernation.  Yes - as the grass begins to grow (between the weeds) on the lawn- one can spot them munching the fresh stalks of bright green blades.  Who needs a lawn mower or a goat when you have canine grazers?  The FG is particularly fond of the green stuff - walking along skimming the ground with his mouth open and grabbing mouthful after mouthful.  Until my human says "ENOUGH roughage for today!!"  Ahh the joys of spring.

And since spring has arrived, the bunnies are out in full force.  As my human was driving down the driveway on Wednesday she had to slow down because two were in the middle of the lane.  As she approached- they dashed off into the woods.  When she came in the house, she debated whether to let Einstein and I out without a leash. So she tried an idea.  Before she let us out, she took treats from the jar.  She showed them to us- and then came out with us and instructed us to pee.  We ran to pee, but what she didn't see was that a bunny had returned.  She watched as a bunny raced across the yard with two PONs not far behind. Einstein quickly gave up the chase- but she had visions of me being gone for a long time.  She figured it was useless to call me, but gave one "happy sounding" plea. Not the typical "VIKTOR GET BACK HERE" kind of shout. And low and behold, miracle of miracles, the earth shook, the sun shone extra brightly, the stars aligned perfectly - and I RETURNED.  And was I quickly rewarded with that treat, extra hugs and flowing praise.  A bit over the top if you ask me.

And if that wasn't enough - yesterday morning as my human was getting ready to speed out the door to work - she took all of us out for one pee before she left.  She took Einstein and me first.  And she was about 10 feet from the door - with both of us of course on a leash, when she looked up and FROZE.  There - not 20 feet away in the middle of the lawn was a bunny.  We stopped and looked.  And the moment froze in time.  My human braced herself for the PONdemonium.  We all looked at the rabbit.  And Einstein looked at the bunny and looked at me.  And I stared at it. And Einstein AGAIN looked at the bunny and looked at me.  And my human was watching the two of us and held her breath.  And she stepped one stepped forward and the bunny jumped into the woods.  And guess what WE did?   NOTHING.  Seriously - we KNOW she is busy at work, so we decided to be nice.  For once.  But don't count on this behavior lasting forever.  

It's Friday - and we are GLAD.  BUT the forecast is calling for RAIN this weekend.  But not to worry - we'll find ways to entertain our human indoors.

Have a good one.

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