Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Well three guesses where my human went the other day.   Here's a clue.  Halloween is coming.  If you've read my blog for any amount of time, you know that holidays mean one thing.  The opportunity for my human to get back at us for any bad behavior we may have exhibited since the last holiday.  So it means a trip to the dreaded Dollar Store where she spends her hard earned money on purchasing some ridiculous attire for us canines to wear for the upcoming holiday. Yup - she was there the other day and she came home with the telltale large bag. So the puparazzi will begin...

In order to get THE perfect shot, she will no doubt have us posing over the next couple of weekends.  All we can do is pray for rain.  Or REALLY good treats.  And after 4,362 shots, she will get three that she is happy with.  And those three are pretty cute.  But really, the other shots are the fun shots.  The bloopers. Or in our house, the PON-Picloopers. 

So to get ready for what is to come- let's share some Fall PON-Picloopers from last year.  Check out the FG - he was just a young fella last year.  And NOTE - HE is the one acting up in these photos.  We'll see who is the culprit THIS year.  Enjoy!

I can hardly wait for the Fall fiasco to begin....

Have a good one. Peace and paws up!!

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