Friday, June 15, 2018

Nature Photography Day

June 15.  And it’s one of my favorite days on the crazy calendar.  It’s Nature Photography day.  I still don’t have my own GoPro camera - so I have to get my human to take shots from a dog’s eye point of view.  So here we go...

Let’s start with a frosty hosta shot taken just a few days ago!  That’s frost, not dog pee.  Although we have been known to pee on this hosta too...

We THINK the frost is over for this year...We hope it is.

This is kind of a nature shot because it WAS taken outdoors.  I call it Shadow Dog.

Here’s a moon shot. Taken early in the morning.  See. It pays to get up at 5 AM!

Here is a dandelion.  We have them in our lawn.  Because we don’t use chemicals on our lawn.  We have learned to live with them.  Sort of.  When the flowers are gone and just the stems are left, my human has this overwhelming urge to cut them down. Or rip them off.  Then the FG tries to rip them out of her hand.  Just dandy.

Here was our bear.  We didn’t see him.  And he hasn’t been back.  I’m not sure that if I had the camera that this would be clear...

Here is a tulip.  OK. It wasn’t taken out in the yard. It was taken indoors.  It was in a vase. On the table. So we couldn’t pee on it.  Which we would if it was outdoors.

Here is a close up of moss.  The FG loves to dig in moss.  Like he is searching for buried treasure.  

Here is our lake.  Well we don’t really own the lake.  But I like to call it ours.  It is the backdrop for many of our photo shoots.

I love being out in the great outdoors.  Take a minute today to snap some shots of nature. It truly is a wild wonderful world!

Have a good one!  Peace and paws up!
Seizure free days: 26

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