Monday, October 3, 2016

Look at the Leaves

October 3. According to the crazy Calendar, today is Look at the Leaves Day.  And here in Nova Scotia, the leaves are turning more and more each day.  In another week or so, they will be approaching their peak.  My human loves this time of the year - the brilliant colors, the sweet but pungent smell of the earth as it gets ready to nap for the winter, the odor of wood burning fires - and the never ending trail of leaves that she must sweep up every day as we track them into the house.  OK - maybe she doesn't love that part of Fall.

While the leaves DO hide our poop - which I discussed the other day, the variety of crimson and yellow forms really IS pretty.  At least to humans.  To us dogs, it's all the same - although Jaws thinks that every falling leaf is manna from heaven - so he chews every one he can find.  If he's not busy chasing them in the wind!

My human has been trying to get more puparazzi shots of the three of us.  She had a BIT of success the other day - although Jaws does find it hard to sit still for more than a nanosecond.  But he's getting better!

Just in case the leaves don't change where you live,  let me share some older photos taken here in Nova Scotia - just to show you what you're missing.  But I won't include a photo of the hallway floor!  



Sometimes, don't you just WISH you were me?!  Have a good one!

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