Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Bunny down

Bunny down.  Bunny down.  Call 911.  Call K9-11.

It's official.  Elroy is the first dog to take down a bunny in this house.  If you don't count the two stuffed versions I destroyed.  No - he took down an even BIGGER bunny.  A cement bunny.

My human has this "thing" about cement statues in our yard.  We have a couple of cement dogs.  Here are a few.  In the first picture, it's the dog on the left:

Then this little guy:

And this one even looks ALMOST like a PON.  If you squint.

We even have a little cement bunny.
And last summer - my human brought home a BIG bunny.  A big HEAVY bunny.
He may not LOOK heavy - but trust me - he weighs more than me and Frodo combined.  He is NOT easy to move.  Unless you are Elroy...

The other morning, my human was taking the FG out for his morning constitutional - and in typical FG fashion, he was darting back and forth on his leash.  In the bushes.  Out of the bushes.  Around my human.  Biting the leash.  Pulling the leash.  And around the bunny he went.  And my human watched in horror as Elroy went around the bunny with the leash and Bugs Bunny toppled over in slow motion.  Bad enough the 10,000 lb rabbit hit the dirt - but the trauma caused an immediate amputation of one ear.  And the FG didn't even care.  About the injured hare...

So of COURSE, you know my human HAD to try and FIX the bunny.  She and her mother went to the home fix-it store on the weekend and bought some kind of cement adhesive to glue Humpty Bunny back together again.  BUT - they figured they should really bring the bunny IN the garage to do so.  My human's mother supervised as my human took a wheelbarrow and grappled with the huge hare to get him in.  And that would have been fine - except she realized immediately after the bunny was on board, that the wheel on the wheelbarrow was flat.  We were watching all of these proceedings from inside.  Barking madly.  We were in a panic state as we didn't know what she was doing with one of our favorite peeing targets.

After much pushing, shoving, grumbling and simultaneous barking, the busted Cottontail was in the garage.  Now we wait to see if this cement stuff will really hold.   

You know, I never thought another dog could cause as much chaos as me.  I'm thinking I may have met my match.  It's a good thing we are cute!!!!!

Have a hoppy day!  Pun intended.

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