Saturday, January 7, 2017


So my human was reading this article about silence.  Apparently some scientists did a study with mice and they found that mice who were exposed to two hours of silence each day had new cells that formed in the area of the brain which is associated with memories, feelings and emotions.  So it is possible that silence can help your brain.  My human's brain must be mush living with Frodo.  Silence is NOT his thing...

It starts in the morning immediately after she emerges from the bathroom.  He instructs her to hurry up and get Elroy out of his crate.  Then he barks directives about going outdoors.  The only time he DOESN'T bark about going out is when it is raining.  Then he yaps about getting his breakfast.  And after a short break, he and the FG start growling, squeaking and barking at each other while they wrestle. Frodo is forever giving his vocal opinion about things.  He is a tattletale if one of us is doing something we shouldn't.  He is the first to sound the alarm if he hears something.  He barks when people arrive.  He barks (and embarrasses my human) at neighbors.  To which she shyly says "he's just saying hello."  But his TONE is "Hello. I would like to kill you."  Not that he REALLY would.  He's all bark.  Literally.

In the rare moments of silence in this house it can only mean one of two things.  We are ALL sleeping,  OR - someone is into something.  ESPECIALLY the FG.  If he is out of sight, and quiet - it is NOT a good sign.  While my human's mother was visiting last week, they decided to watch a movie one night.  We were all downstairs.  And then the FG went upstairs.  My human followed him and saw he was going to lie down on the dog bed.  Which was fine.  But, in the excitement of the action movie they were watching, they didn't hear the stealth FG go to the landing on the stairs.  He did so VERY quietly.  And proceeded to tear a hole in the carpet on the stairs.  He was VERY quiet.  But after a few minutes my human DID hear the telltale RIP RIP sound.  A lovely circle.  Right in the middle of the stair, on the edge.  Pretty soon there will BE no carpets in this house... If the FG is quiet - it can only mean trouble.

So in this house, silence IS golden when it comes to Frodo.  But Elroy, not so much.  I think they should do a study on MY brain - living with those two.  Obviously my brain MUST be quite advanced - I'm the one with the blog!   

Hopefully you just read this blog in silence.  Just THINK how good that was for your brain!  Now, excuse me while I go and meditate.  Without Frodo.  And not on a carpet with the FG...

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