Friday, January 13, 2017

Friday the 13th

January 13.  And it's Friday.  So if you are superstitious, you may be pulling the covers over your head this morning and not going out.  Unless you have a dog.  We won't let you stay in bed!

I did a little searching and I found a website that listed 42 superstitions having to do with dogs.   I'm not too trusting of them - for example, one superstition suggested that if you are being followed by a strange dog, it could mean bad luck.  OR good luck.  So you see what I mean.

Another says  "It is good luck meet a dog.  Especially a Dalmation."  Now that one is obviously true, but I think it certainly applies to ALL dogs and not JUST Dalmations!

 A dog howling at night is a sign of bad luck.  It sure IS bad luck - for the human who has to listen to the howling.

If a dog does not like a man, it is a sign the man has a bad character.  Hello?  I think we call that INTUITION and NOT superstition.

If a black dog appears in your car when you are driving alone, you are in danger of an accident.  Of COURSE you would be in danger of an accident!  If a dog appeared out of no where, that would scare the heavens out of anybody - and no doubt cause an accident!

If a dog eats grass, it is a sign he needs a tonic.  Hello again?  Nothing superstitious about THAT!  Many of us like to eat grass if we have a stomach upset. That's a fact.

It is unlucky to meet a barking dog early in the morning.  We live with Frodo.  My human would therefore be THE unluckiest person on the planet.   He barks EVERY morning.  And lately I have joined him.  Maybe I cancel out the bad luck...

And here's an interesting one.  You know the superstition that if you walk under a ladder it is bad luck?   Well - don't worry.  There is a remedy.  AFTER you walk under that ladder, cross your fingers until you see a DOG and the bad luck will be reversed.  I'm not sure WHAT happens if you actually walk under the ladder WITH your dog....

But my FAVORITE .... In French tradition, if you step in dog poop with your left foot, good luck will surely follow.  NO WONDER my human isn't UNLUCKY with all of Frodo's barking.  This one has TOTALLY reversed the bad luck barking!

Anyway, I wish you GOOD luck today - and for the whole weekend! Have a good one!

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