Monday, January 2, 2017

Turkey "trots"

January 2.  And I'm already behind in my resolution to get my human out more.  We had a VERY rainy day yesterday - and in fact, when she took Frodo and I out it was like walking two bags of potatoes.  We were in no hurry to go anywhere.  Unlike the past couple of days...

I won't be graphic, but since I know I'm writing to "dog people" I can talk about anything.  Including dog poop.  I won't elaborate, but let's just say that Frodo and I BOTH had a case of the "trots" after Christmas. Actually, they could be called the "turkey trots."  It's not like we got a lot of turkey after the big day - and certainly our paltry portions did NOT include gravy.  But it was enough to wake my human up three times one night.  And even after three visits outdoors, ONE of us STILL had accident?  in the house.  And it wasn't Elroy - he was in his crate - so he was off the hook.   And he didn't have any problems with the trots anyway.  Unfortunately, the culprit WAS revealed - because unlike a good criminal who cleans up the evidence,  ONE of us had had some remnants on his otherwise clean Christmas coat.  Yup.  Yours truly.  Busted. 

Not only did I get the "what did you do," speech - because I hadn't bothered to inform my human that I needed to go out,  but I also had to be whisked into the dog tub for a shampoo.  Of the lower half of my body.  Talk about embarrassing.

I'm pleased to inform you though, that all of us are back "on track" and all is right with the world again.  The poop world anyway.

Now some will be disappointed to read this - but yesterday my human took down the Christmas decorations.  I KNOW many people keep them up until the Feast of the Three Kings, but these three kings would like to be allowed back in the DFZ - and it just won't happen while the trees are up.  So we were sequestered yesterday while she took everything down and employed her mother to wrap ornaments.  All 52,000 of them.  I hope she paid her mother well.  Then we watched with delight as my human dragged the monstrous tree across the DFZ, into the dining room and out the deck door.  She then grappled to lift it over the railing and heaved it onto the ground below.  Leaving a trail of needles behind.  We just watched in awe.  We never had the chance to pee on the tree...but I'm thinking now that it's outside....

So our festivities are over for now.  I'm still good with getting some kind of gift for the Three Kings.  As long as it's not turkey.

Have a good one!

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