Well as I understand it, most places have sales today - but not here in Nova Scotia. Nothing much is open. So we have Boxing Day the day AFTER Boxing Day. But we still call it Boxing Day sales. Seriously. Anyway, we don't need ANYTHING - so my human will not be venturing out to stand in lines or box with fellow shoppers. Once upon a time in her MUCH younger years, she would have gone out for bargains. Not now - she's too old to do it. And too broke being owned by us three canines!!!
So Christmas and Christmas Eve were good - although NOT without drama. First off, it's really a miracle Santa left anything for me at all. You see...I was a bit naughty. Remember how last year I was smuggled into my human's mother's dog-free apartment on Christmas eve? So I would be able to get my medication on time during dinner. Well we attempted the same clandestine operation this year. And remember how last year I behaved and settled down and got to stay for the whole evening? Yeah. Not so much this year...I was...in a word...bad. I wouldn't settle down. I kept trying to get into gifts. I kept trying to sample human food. Er - steal human food. When I was sequestered in a bathroom, where I could STILL see all the proceedings, I kept squeaking. Honestly, I found the apartment too hot. And I was bored. So after about 1.5 hours of begging me to settle down, my human packed me in the car and brought me home. And I RACED in to tell Einstein and the FG where I had been. And my human went back to the party. When we had left the party to come home, I thought we were coming to get the others - who knew she would go back without us!
Anyway, I guess Santa didn't hear about my behavior in time to withhold the goods. So the next morning, I STILL got presents. This year, my human didn't attempt to allow us to open them in the DFZ. Last year, Einstein and I got into a squabble and it was a MIRACLE no ornaments on the tree were busted. So this year it was a tear-a-thon outside the DFZ.
So what did the jolly guy bring us? Well he brought us special treats. Which we were not allowed to unwrap because we would have eaten them all.
Then, we got wood. No kidding. Big hunks of heavy wood. Check them out:
I'm not going to say much - but really - we live surrounded by trees and my human goes out (or should I say "Santa") goes out, and buys us heavy hunks of wood. And I mean HEAVY. If we drop one of those things on her toes, there will be much moaning and groaning. Initially we all just looked at them after we tore off the paper. Here she is trying to keep us from chewing things like table legs and chair rails. And she gets us wood. Good thing we love her. And we DID start to chew them a bit - but since she got the size designed for a lion, it's hard to even hold onto the things. Oh well - they will probably get more use than those educational toys she bought one year.
We also did get some Nylabones. Those we can actually pick up.
We also got one other gift we have to share. Tell you about that one tomorrow. And NO clothes.
So despite my less than admirable behavior, Christmas eve ended up fine. And then we had Christmas day. And more drama. But this time, for a change, the drama had nothing to do with us canines. You see, my human was up bright and early because we were hosting dinner for her mother and sister. She put the turkey in the oven in the morning, got all the veggies ready to go (which we got to sample), set the table, and was all excited for the big day. We were playing with/chewing our new bones and all was right with the world. Except one thing. The weather. In the morning we had freezing rain, and by afternoon it began to pour rain. Now that would not have been too bad - but as the afternoon wore on, the winds picked up. They were blowing like a hurricane. And although the rain stopped, the winds could practically carry you away. Good thing we were on leashes when we went out for our walks.
Just before my human's mother and sister were to arrive, my human took me out to pee. And as we were walking back in the house, she noticed that the Christmas window lights were not on. And her heart sank. Power outage. With the turkey still cooking. And the veggies no where near being ready. What to do? What to do? A call to the power company indicated it would be several HOURS before restoration. Right about then, the family arrived. My human and her sister tried desperately to light a fire in the charcoal BBQ grill. No luck - it kept blowing out. Our neighbors (who have a gas stove) kindly invited them to their place for dinner- but it would have been a bit hard for my human's mother to manage and maneuver in the dark. So they packed everything up. The turkey, the veggies, the stuffing, the rolls, the dessert - and went back to my human's mother's place - because she thankfully still had power in the city. We canines got our dinner in the dark before they left and I got my medication.
The power was actually restored before the ice cream in the freezer melted. I checked. And they had their turkey dinner after all. So it will always be a Christmas dinner to remember!
And isn't that what Christmas is really about - making memories?
Anyway, if you head out bargain shopping today, don't forget to take your boxing gloves. And if you are NOT going shopping, enjoy your time at home. Eating leftovers.
Oh - and one other thing...my secret wish on my list to Santa? Got it. But I can't tell you right now what it was. Maybe some day...
Have a good one. Peace and paws up.
And isn't that what Christmas is really about - making memories?
Anyway, if you head out bargain shopping today, don't forget to take your boxing gloves. And if you are NOT going shopping, enjoy your time at home. Eating leftovers.
Oh - and one other thing...my secret wish on my list to Santa? Got it. But I can't tell you right now what it was. Maybe some day...
Have a good one. Peace and paws up.
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