Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Just stuff

Well, things have returned to “normal here.”  I have no lasting effects from my run-in with the walking pin cushion.  My human checked me all over again, and AGAIN – and it appears every needle is GONE.  I felt fine once they were all out.  It was the going in and coming out that was the problem!  My human is still amazed I didn’t chip any teeth while trying to snap at those pliers.  A broken tooth on top of the quills would have REALLY set the night off.

The bathroom reno is in the home stretch.  It may be ready for my human to try out the shower on Thursday.  I’m not suggesting we join her.

Frodo did some training yesterday while Paxton and I got to do fetching.  I am a fetching machine.  And I didn’t even think for a second about running off in the woods.  For now.

I hate to say this – and my human doesn’t want to think it – but I could smell “fall” in the air yesterday.  Fall has a unique smell.  A pungent but sweet smell as foliage begins to die off slowly and the plants and trees get ready to change their attire.  My human noticed that a chipmunk has dug a HUGE mound in one of our flower beds – probably to get ready for the winter.  I haven’t seen him yet.  Which is just as well, because his happy home could quickly become ruins.  Just give me a chance.

You know – I started wondering yesterday if the whole porcupine incident was a coincidence.  I’m wondering if Paxton was behind it.  I mean, everyone KNOWS I torment Paxton mercilessly.  I lick him until he is sopping wet – or until my human shouts “stop.”  I sometimes growl at him when he comes in a room.  Just because.  And yesterday, he WAS pretty bummed out that Frodo and I were going to the match.  Even though my human’s mother was there for company. 

Rumor has it he knows some porcupines. When I asked him if he had anything to do with it, he said “no.”  But he DID wink at me.  Maybe I had better start being nicer to him…

 Excuse me while I go chipmunk hunting….at least those guys don’t have quills!

©  Linda Wozniak

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