Friday, November 6, 2015

An Apple a day....

Oh my.  We had problems in our house for the past two days.  And for a change, it wasn’t us dogs who were in trouble.  It was our computer.  Now I don’t know a whole lot about computers.  I know that there are two “kinds” of humans – the PC humans and the Mac humans.  It’s kind of like political parties.   Just like in politics,  humans switch parties. Years ago, before my time, my human was a religious PC human.  Then just about the time Frodo was born she became a Mac human.   And she got our computer who I call MacTavish Macintosh. 

Anyway, it’s a LONG, complicated story – something about a 23 hour software download.   As I understand it, computers have to get nourishment every now and then – it’s the stuff that makes them run.  Kind of like dog food.  Food makes us work well.  And TREATS REALLY make us work well.  So these downloads make the computer work well. 

But our download did NOT go well.  Combine download problems AND a server problem and we had a HUGE mess.  The server thing is kind of like the delivery guy.  He brings the food.  But our server ALSO had a problem, and his delivery truck was running WAY below the speed limit.  And the two problems made our computer unusable. Which would NOT have been a total tragedy.  EXCEPT, my human had a lecture on MacTavish – that she was presenting Thursday afternoon.

Anyway, after many hours of anguish for my human, two hours before the lecture, MacTavish was again working.  Oh and yes, she does have a backup for MacTavish – it’s kind of like having a spare bag of dog food on the shelf.  BUT, the dog food on the shelf was an old version of the lecture – so she was VERY happy to see MacTavish working again.  And so were we.  The stress was just too much.  Cough.  Cough.

Anyway, when it comes to apples, I’d rather have the edible kind.  I’m not REALLY a computer dog.  But then again, if I wasn’t into computers, you wouldn’t be reading this story, would you?

Have a great Friday!

©  Linda Wozniak

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