Tuesday, November 17, 2015


SHE'S BACK!!!!  This is my happy face.  There was much jumping and barking and spinning when she came in the door.  At 1:30AM.  Her flight from New York was delayed.  She got on the plane, it started to move and then it stopped.  And so did my human's heart.  Especially after a few minutes and an announcement came on that they were having computer problems.  And they needed to do a "reset."  I am not kidding.  Deja vu.  She started praying.  REALLY hard.  Well the Big Guy listened and an hour after they were SUPPPOSED to take off they were finally in the air.

We were overjoyed to see her.  At first. And then Frodo and I played it cool.  We wanted to show we were not happy that she didn't take us with her.  Paxton, on the other hand, sat on her feet and would not let her move while she talked with Sharon.  Sharon said we were all very good.  My human said, I'm so glad.  And no one stole anything - that's amazing."  And then Sharon spilled the beans.  "Well I didn't say no one STOLE anything. There was this incident with my ham sandwich....which was taken from the counter when I turned my back."  My human automatically assumed it was Bucket Head.  He's so big - he can grab anything.  "Oh no," Sharon said "not Paxton."  Then she nodded my way.  Busted.


We got some VERY yummy treats and rumor has it there MIGHT be a new toy in her suitcase.  She didn't have time to unpack.  She has to go to work today.  Which I personally think is just WRONG.  But we had good walks this morning - and she promised a longer one after work.

All is again right with the world.  At least in our house!

©  Linda Wozniak

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