Sunday, November 15, 2015

Guess who's coming home today?!

Well, it's about time.  My human is FINALLY coming home tonight.  She had better be bringing some extra-good guilt gifts.  Besides the fact that we were not allowed to go with her- I have come to find out that she visited one of the top 20 most dog-friendly cities in the US!!!!!  Everywhere she went, she saw dogs.  Dogs walking on the street, dogs in stores, dogs at outside cafes - dogs everywhere!  They apparently have lots of dog friendly parks, pet stores and even an ice cream store that dishes out scoops for us canines!  Of course my human HAD to talk to many dogs she met - a cute Golden puppy, a Doodle puppy, a Cairn terrier, a Westie, a Bulldog - I think it sounds like she spent more time talking to dogs than people!  And she even met a dog AT the conference!  She had a great chat with a lovely Therapy Dog named Madrid - and his human Cheryl.  They are from the Denver area - and they confirmed that it really IS a doggie town.

So all of us are feeling just a LITTLE bit jealous.  AND to top it off - I understand that when my human got ON the plane to go TO Denver - she discovered some of OUR dog treats in her coat pocket.  So all those dogs she met got OUR treats.  

Seriously - those guilt gifts had better be spectacular.  And edible.

Excuse me while I go and check when her flight gets in... 

Oh. And by the way.  We DID miss her....

©  Linda Wozniak

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