Friday, June 3, 2016

Curbside Giveaway

Well this weekend, our municipality has something called a Curbside Giveaway Weekend.  You can put out at curbside any reusable items that you no longer want, but things that others may think is a treasure.  Velcro dog wants to put me at curbside.  I didn't think that idea was so funny.

I suggested that Velcro dog and I drag  all of the instruments of torture aka grrrrrrrooming tools out to the curbside.  There must be some poor poodle somewhere who could use that stuff.

And speaking of grooming....rumor has it that there will be a groom-a-thon at our house starting tonight.  This Sunday is the day my human has entered Velcro dog and I in two beauty pageants.  So I have 24 hours to grow more hair on my back legs.  WHAT a joke.  Honestly, I don't stand a CHANCE of bringing home any 25 cents ribbons.  And get THIS - we are entered in the first group being judged which begins at 8AM.  And the show site is about an HOUR from our house.  Which means we will be up in the dark getting ready to go.  My human is already second guessing why she entered us. 

Perhaps I can drop the keys to the car at the curbside....Wish me luck...

©  Linda Wozniak

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