Saturday, June 4, 2016

(June) BUG off!!!!!

Well it's that time of the year when we have to go out for our final pee of the night in the dark.  And I mean IN THE DARK.  My human turns on no outside lights when we go out.  And she would NEVER wear her headlamp at night at this time of the year.  Why?  June bugs. June bugs are these GIANT baseball sized beetles that come out at night.  OK.  Maybe they are not THAT big - maybe more like the size of a grape - but when they hit the screens on the windows at night, they sound MUCH bigger. They hit the screens where the lights are on.  And heaven forbid you leave the light on by the door when you go out.  They fly all around the lights - and totally freak out my human. Velcro dog and I don't really care.  If they landed in front of us, we would probably just eat them.  Some places would consider them a good source of protein.  But my human is definitely NOT a fan.  So it is a VERY dark and QUICK late night pee.

But don't worry, although it is tricky to see bunnies in the dark, I can still smell them.  Which is why I am ALWAYS on a leash at night.  Unlike Velcro dog who I am sometimes ashamed to call my brother.  Get THIS - he SAW the bunny the other night, chased him into the back yard - but would NOT go into the woods to chase him.  While I was screaming bloody murder - because I was on a leash.  A quick call to Velcro dog, and he came back.  He just has no sense of adventure...

Well - back to hiding behind the curtains.  The groom-a-thon continues today.  Let's see how long before my human finds me...

©  Linda Wozniak

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