Sunday, June 5, 2016

Frozen fun. And dog shows.

June 5.  Today is International Frozen Yogurt day.  You CAN buy frozen treats made of yogurt for your dog at some specialty pet stores.  We had the treat once.  But really, it is easier and more economical to make your own.  Hint. Hint human.  Here are two options:

Frozen peanut butter yogurt treats (from Cesar Milan's website.  OK you may not like his training methods, but his treats sound good. And EASY!!!)


  • 32 ounces vanilla yogurt
  • 1 cup peanut butter

  1. Melt the peanut butter in a microwave safe bowl
  2. Combine the yogurt and melted peanut butter
  3. Pour the mixture into cupcake papers
  4. Place in the freezer
This simple recipe is taken from The Bark website: 

4 cups yogurt (flavored or plain, non-fat if needed)
½ cup creamy peanut butter
2 tablespoons honey
1 ripe banana, mashed
  1. Melt peanut butter in microwave for about 30 seconds
  2. Place all of the ingredients into a blender, mixer or food processor and mix well (until smooth)
  3. Pour into ice cube trays or Popsicle trays.
  4. Freeze until firm.
  5. Pop out of the tray (you’ll need a knife) and let your dog enjoy this frozen treat!

    So have a cold one on me today!

We are getting ready to head out to the beauty pageant.  My human spent over 5 hours grooming us yesterday.  We were SUPPOSED to go to the early morning show today...but she was feeling a bit stressed about trying to get there so early - so we are opting to just go for the afternoon show.  Velcro dog looks VERY nice.  And as for me....while PONs are not supposed to be trimmed, my human HAD to do a bit of touching up with some thinning shears on my legs - to blend in my personal styling job.  The front half of me looks great - but the back half...well it looks like a puppy coat.  I'm going to the show to provide comic relief.  

The vehicle is solidly packed.  Humans and dog shows.  The STUFF that they bring.  Honestly, it's crazy.  It looks like we are moving.  ALL this work for less than 2 minutes in a show ring.  Again - more evidence that human's are strange.  But we humor them.  And besides, the treats are good - they pull out the REALLY good stuff when it comes to dog shows.  Not the old biscuits sitting in the jar on the counter.  Nooooo.   REALLY GOOD stuff.  I don't even know where they get it.  And then they agonize over what to wear.  As IF we dogs care.  But whatever they wear, it has to have pockets.  For the delectable treats.  The kind of treats that if you leave them in your pocket, your special dog show attire will be stained.  Oh and they have to wear special shoes.  So they won't  fall in the ring.  The more I talk about this stuff, the stranger you humans look.  

OK, time to load up.  Wish me luck.  I must remember not to poop in the ring.  That would make my two minutes even MORE memorable!  

Have a good one!

©  Linda Wozniak

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