Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Nature Photography

June 15.  It's Nature Photography Day.  A day to go outside, observe all the nature around you, take out your cell phone and snap away.   I am STILL waiting to get a Go Pro camera - Santa seemed to forget it on the list last year - so I'll put it on the list AGAIN this year.  That way I can take my own photos.  Because, without my own camera, I have to rely on my human to follow me around and take shots with a "dog's eye view."   The following are my examples for this year.  Most of my nature shots end up being things that I then pee on.  Because really, we dogs look at nature, but our noses tend to overpower our eyes.  Unless it is a rabbit that I see.   I didn't get a photo of one of the bunnies in my yard.  It would have been very blurry.

These are hostas.  We have lots of kinds of hostas.  Because my human doesn't have to do anything with them.  And even when I pee on them, they are very hardy.  The photos do not actually have pee on them.  It is water.  From the rain.  Pee photos are not particularly sought after.

And here is an obvious view.  Tree bark.  Step one.  Smell bark.  Step two. Pee on it.

Rocks.  There are all kinds of rocks in nature.  These are beach rocks.  They hang out at the beach. And there is a close-up of a rock from the beach.  I didn't pee on this.  Yet.

Here is an ugly fungus thing growing on a tree in our yard. I often enjoy eating things from nature - like sticks and grass.  But this fungus - nah.

These are tiny red lichens I found growing on a rock on our trail.  I had to show my human how to get up very close to get this shot.
Here is my lake.  I don't swim in it, as I don't like water.  But it's nice to look at.
And here is the sun. Setting.  I had to look up for this one.
Those are my nature shots for this year.  Not much wildlife.  For obvious reasons.  So get out there and try it yourself.  It really is an amazing world!  Even from a dog's point of view!

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