Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Nice humans. And old dogs.

You know, despite the fact that I question MANY things that humans do, they CAN be quite nice too.  For example, remember how I spoke about people taking our photos when we were in Lunenburg? One gentleman in particular took some photos and came over to my human and asked if he could email them to her.  She happily agreed - and the photo you see is complements of Vaughn Mullen.  How nice is that?

Our marathon grooming results have quickly disappeared.  It has been raining the last few days.  Which has made our morning walk look like a funeral march.  You KNOW how much we enjoy the rain.  My human ATTEMPTED to take us down the trail - but she took one look at the mud, and turned around.  We QUICKLY followed her.

Rumor has it SOMETHING is happening this weekend.  My human says we have to stay clean and neat until the weekend.  Please tell me that it isn't another dog show this soon...

And on a final note today....some sad news.  Bretagne, the last known surviving search dog from 9/11 passed away.  She was 16.   She is now running free at the Rainbow Bridge with all of those other search and rescue dogs who went on before her.   And you know, she is also there with those humans she helped to find...I bet they welcomed her with a big hug...

16 is a pretty good age for a Golden Retriever.  But really - it's still not enough.  I just don't get it.  Why are we dogs not around longer?  There was recently a dog who lived to 30.  And everyone was excited about it.  It's such a rare occurrence.  It can't be a size thing with dogs - I mean the average age of a horse is 25-30 years and heck, elephants live an average of 60 years!!!!  My human recently read an article that says breeders need to be active in looking at longevity in dogs, and not just accept certain ages as just "being what they are" - like 7 years for a Bernese Mountain dog. A search of the net indicates that there IS research being done on longevity. Check out these websites.!dog-aging/c13h0

And here's a podcast:

I'm hoping Velcro dog and I will be around for at least 30 years.  That's a LOT of blog posts.  Heaven knows, though, I rarely run out of material...

Have a good one!

©  Linda Wozniak

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