Monday, October 17, 2016

Happy birthday Rick Mercer

October 17.  And today is the birthday of Rick Mercer.  Now folks from Canada would have to be living under a dead maple tree not to know who Rick Mercer is.  But for those from other lands, who may not know him - well you are missing a pretty funny guy.  Rick is a Canadian political satirist, comedian and actor.  And he has his own television show on CBC.

Now I'm not sure that Rick owns a dog himself - he's a very busy guy.  But he certainly has done a number of segments about dogs, so I have picked three of my favorites and I'd like to share them with you.  This one is about a big dog show in Canada - the Purina National:

And here is one about Police Dogs:

And the last is about a big dog festival that takes place in Toronto each year, called Woofstock:

Rick has more videos if you google him.  We enjoyed these - and pretty much barked whenever we heard a dog in the segment.  I would suggest you keep the volume down - but not so much that you can't hear the monologue.  Good luck with that.

In our household, things are good, although I am thinking that the "trade" command is not working as it should.  That's the instruction my human uses when Jaws has taken something that he should not have, or he picks up something, like a rock and tries to eat it.  He's supposed to "trade" the item for a treat. It's actually quite amusing to watch.  Like yesterday when he stole a poop bag from the pocket of her ugly dog sweat pants while she was working at the computer.  An empty poop bag - obviously.  He's becoming a decent pick pocket.  As soon as he takes something, he casually walks away.  And then he quickens his pace.  At which point my human begins the futile "trade" command.  Now apparently you aren't SUPPOSED to chase the dog - as it becomes a game, but visions of a swallowed poop bag are too much for my human to ignore.  Remember Paxton and the 2 foot long sling.  So around and around the dining table they go.  With my human chanting "trade" and "just be calm."  Honestly, I wish someone would give ME a go pro camera to record the spectacle.

Well it's Monday - but BONUS - my human is off today.  We'll make sure she does not get bored.

Oh and Happy birthday Rick! Have a good one!

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