Saturday, October 29, 2016


So the other day when my human was at the Vet's office getting a prescription for my medication, there was a man standing next to her at the front desk.  And he was bemoaning the fact that he had just found ticks on his dog.  He was under the impression that ticks disappeared after the summer.  No such luck.  The pests are around all the time it seems.  Unless we are buried in 6 feet of snow.  And who wants that?! 

As my human stood there, she was saying how LUCKY she was that with the exception of the two I had on my head back in June, none of us has had any ticks.  And it's NOT like we don't run around in the woods.  She said she really shouldn't say anything, because she was likely to jinx her luck...

So on Thursday night, while she was massaging my ears, she felt a tiny tiny lump behind my ear.  She parted my hair and took a closer look.  And horror of horrors - a tiny little tick.  She began to sweat - just like she did when she thought I had swallowed the game piece.  And the gruesome discovery called for immediate action.

She whisked me into the garage and up onto the grooming table.  She pulled out her trusty tick removal tool and was about to start the extraction.  At which point, she figured she had better take her contact lenses OUT - so she could actually see what she was doing.  The joys of getting older.  So she told me to wait while she took out her contacts and she returned with her trusty headlamp.   This was serious surgery.  She took a good look, got a grip and pulled on the intruder.  And he came out.  Or at least PART of him came out.  Aggghhhhhhhhhh.  She gave me a treat for staying so still, and attempted to remove the rest.  And more came out.  But there was a TINY black dot in the middle of the spot where the tick had been - and she didn't know what to do about it.  So of course, she called the Vet.  Our phone is on speed dial to their office.  I'm surprised they don't answer by saying "Hello Linda, what do you want now?"  Anyway, she explained the dilemma and they suggested she keep an eye on it - and if it appeared swollen after a few days to bring me in.  Well you KNOW that answer wasn't good enough.  So she got tweezers.  And she attempted to get that TINY black dot out.  And I waited.  And she gave me more treats. And she tried again.  And I got more treats.  And she got a tiny pin which she sterilized and attempted again.  And I waited.  And I got more treats.  Honestly - I really AM a good dog when I have to be.  Well - when treats are involved.  In the end, after 4 hours of surgery (OK 4 minutes) she had extracted any remnant of the tick.  And half of my ear.  She put antibiotic cream on my head and told me what a BRILLIANT boy I was.  You've got that right.

After the procedure, we all underwent a thorough tick exam.And no more vagabonds were thankfully found.  Now I just hope she doesn't start making me wear the spandex suit to keep the ticks off me.  And I have a feeling those tasty garlic tablets may be back on the menu. Maybe 6 feet of snow isn't such a bad idea after all...

1 comment:

  1. We have been fighting ticks here too! Last weekend Eliza had 5 of them crawling through her long hair after a walk in the woods. I am lucky that her hair is white and they are easier to see! I do not want the 6 feet of snow either--but it does solve one problem.
