Sunday, October 30, 2016

Ready for Howl-o-ween

So the big day is tomorrow.  And all I can say is Boo-humbug.  These photos, with the dreaded Dollar Store attire, were taken earlier in the month  and the Friendly Giant has even grown MORE since then.  I'm including the "good" shots and the more entertaining blooper shots.  You will note that Velcro dog and I look like we have been photo shopped in almost every picture.  We know the drill.  The Friendly Giant?  He is getting there - but clearly needs a BIT more practice.

WHY does he always get the halo?!  OK.  Don't answer that...

Elroy got to be a devil too.  And at least THIS time, Frodo wasn't an angel...

My favorite shot with the 3 bow ties.  One of 4,398 taken.

My human is still complaining about the after-effects of eating the Halloween treats from LAST year.  So what does she do?  She goes out early THIS year, when the treats were first being sold in stores and she bought enough for probably 30 kids.  Keep in mind that the big count last year was ZERO kids.  I honestly don't know why she thinks this year will be different.  But she DID buy the treats and then needed to buy MORE because she already ate them all.  And she is down to the dregs now - so she will undoubtedly go out today and try to buy more.  And of course the treats she LIKES will not be the treats on sale.

I think we should be prepared with treat bags containing dog treats.  Who knows - maybe those "30" kids will all arrive with their dogs.  I think we need to be prepared.

Anyway - stay safe this Halloween.  Humans - keep us dogs in a secure spot - so we don't go racing out the door when it is opened.  And make SURE we don't get into any chocolate.  Or any other treats for that matter.  Except for the bags of DOG treats.  Make SURE you have lots of those ready!

Have a happy Howl-o-ween!

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