Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Pet Photo Day

It’s Wednesday, July 11 and according to the crazy calendar, it’s All American Pet Photo Day. OK.  So we live in Canada.  But really, EVERY day in this house is Pet Photo Day. My human has taken literally thousands of photos of us.  And her friends on Facebook are subjected to them - all the time. And NOW we have an Instagram account.  Which is yet another way to inundate the public with yet another shot of one, two or in a miracle moment, all three of us.  My human is not a photographer.  She has friends and family members who have REAL cameras and take serious photos- and they are professionals .  My human uses her iPhone.  For ALL the photos she posts. Once upon a time she had a camera.  That used something called film.  I thought that film was the scuzzy olfactory art we dogs leave on windows. Anyway, she now uses her phone for all photos.  It’s light.  It’s easy to carry. And she can whip it out in a second, while we are innocently minding our own business.  Sure she DOES try to set us up for shots, but it’s like herding a pack of toddlers who just ate too much sugar at grandma’s house.  Besides the challenge of getting us to remain stationary, you THEN have the challenge of getting all three of us to look at you.  For every cute photo that is posted, 439 others were also taken that didn’t turn out so cute.  But trust me, these photo shoots do not go on for long- we are unionized and when one of us quits for the day, we’ll we pretty much all quit. Despite the challenge, she loves it.  And she started thinking if she had to pick her top 10 photos to date- what would she pick.  Well here they are.  Many are not technically fancy, and may even be a bit blurry.  But there is something about these shots that she really loves.  And trust me, this was NOT easy to do...and they are in no particular order...

The photo at the start of this blog is me saying “Seriously- you don’t have enough photos of us yet?!”  And I fear she doesn’t.  But hey - the treats are good for the photo shoots....

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 50 
Oh.  And if you haven’t seen ENOUGH pictures of us, you can follow us on Instagram @frodopon.  Yes, there are photos on there that don’t always appear on Facebook.  Great.  Now she needs photos for BOTH sites.  Better stock up on those treats!!!!!

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