Monday, July 2, 2018

Wildlife and hot dogs

Well we sure have had some hot weather the past few days.   Actually the temperature wasn’t CRAZY hot, but the humidity was really high so it felt extra hot. Hot for Nova Scotia anyway.  We don’t have air conditioning because, well, you don’t usually need it.  But we had every fan in the house going Saturday night and we dogs could not get comfortable. And so either could my human.  The humidity is supposed to last a few more days.

We have some new wildlife news.  For the past few weeks, our neighbors on the road have been spotting lots of deer.  And remember how I said they probably don’t come into our property because of the smell of dog pee?  Wrongo.  My human has found the telltale evidence of Bambi.  One of her hostas is gone - chewed off right to the ground.  So much for the dog pee theory.  We haven’t seen them yet - but clearly they are out there. 

Then the FG got to meet another critter.  He and my human were walking on the road at about 5:30 Saturday morning and suddenly, out of the woods, about 20 feet in front of them, popped a raccoon!  The raccoon looked at them, spun around and raced back into the woods.  The FG just looked at my human as if to say “what the heck was THAT?!” If it had been me and Einstein seeing the raccoon, the entire neighborhood would have heard about the newcomer.  But the FG IS more controlled in some situations.  Who would think it?!

Today my human is off, so we’re glad. Mind you, we didn’t get to play much fetch yesterday as it was too hot. But we’ll take it over the luge run winter driveway!  Look on the bright side, right?

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up!
Seizure free days: 41

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