Wednesday, August 1, 2018


So here’s an interesting fact.  Ask people what their dog’s feet smell like, and most will respond with the same description- corn chips.  Yup - apparently many people think their dogs have Frito feet.  Supposedly, the smell comes from bacteria that we pick up on the ground and which mixes with sweat between our pads.  It’s not unusual- but if it gets particularly smelly and we are continually licking at our feet, a trip to the Vet might be in order. Trimming hair between our pads can be helpful - but it still can be problematic at times.

Yesterday, Einstein and I had different feet problems.  I called our problem Emerald paws.  You see, when we went for our early morning walk, we met Jackson aka Pig Pen and his human.  They were headed up to the golf course before it opened.  We were happy to run off leash - although I was almost put back on when I discovered some goose poop.  My human convinced me to keep moving.

Anyway, the grass on the course was damp from the morning dew.  And they had just mowed....

After a nice long romp, my human looked at us and realized we had a problem.  Green feet.  Eight emerald colored fuzzy PON feet.  Of course PigPen, the Lab had no problem- he’s black in color, his feet are not fuzzy and besides, he swam in EVERY pond and puddle we passed.  

When we got home, we were each whisked into the garage and the tub.  But let me tell you, wet grass does not easily come out of wet PON fuzz.  Great fun.  Remind me to stay on the cart paths from now on!

Tomorrow begins the painting of the dining room and kitchen.  So that means the furniture gets moved around today.  Can’t WAIT to see what is under that sideboard...

Have a good one!  Peace and paws up!
Seizure free days: 71

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