Tuesday, August 21, 2018

On-line dating. Continued.

So this on-line dating thing does not appear that is it going  to be as easy as I thought it was going to be.  My human started browsing a site.  And oh my. My, my, my. First off, it can feel a bit like catalogue shopping.  Which is weird .  Then she realizes that you can’t judge a book by its cover - but some of the covers look like the story is about a gothic serial killer.  No offense - but some people don’t seem to realize that selfies taken in dark bathroom mirrors do not usually turn out very flattering.  We were looking with her- and growled at a couple of them. 

Then she found NUMEROUS profiles that began with one of these two statements:

People say I'm quiet-natured, but I'm actually just a really good listener. I don't talk as much, because I like to process and think before I offer my opinion.

I'm a "tell it like it is" person. Sometimes it gets me in trouble, but most times people appreciate knowing exactly where I stand.

If ya can’t come up with an original first line....so much for creativity.

Then I started  thinking - what if she goes on a date, and the guy has a dog.  And what if we don’t LIKE his dog.  Now THAT would be a dilemma.  I’m not all that keen on sharing treats either...

Luckily you can browse before you have to pay money.  This could be a long process, and I want to know if the fees are going to cut into our treat budget. You have to watch too - because they automatically charge your credit card each month unless you cancel.  I suggested starting up a Go Fund Me page to pay for this project.  My human said “no.”

I have to keep working on her profile.  I think there needs to be more about us dogs in it.  My human disagrees - she said if we are TOO honest and open, we don’t have a prayer.  I see that there has to be some clever marketing in this thing....  You tell the truth, but not the WHOLE truth.  You don’t LIE, but maybe omit some details. Mind you, we don’t want to be like those guys who post lots of photos - which is great.  However they were taken in 2008.  Not a good sign.  And when you post LOTS of scenery photos, it’s also a bit strange.  One guy had a movie star’s picture as his profile photo.  He wishes. 

I have seen VERY few pictures of dogs.  Very few.  That’s not to say that someone who isn’t owned by a dog would be a great choice.  That could actually be preferable.  No treat conflict there.  BUT the guy must LOVE dogs.  Oh this is just so dramatic.

I’ll keep working on it....

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up!
Seizure free days:  90!!!!

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